U.M. Pitel, AUCPB (All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks)
Dear Comrades! There is just a short time to go before Mankind enters the third millennium – the XXI century. Reflecting on the historical landmarks of the passing century, many scientists of the world name without doubt the Great October Socialist Revolution as the main event of the century, which led to the building of the first state of workers and peasants, and the personality of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin occupies one of the leading places among the most superb leaders – the genius continuer of the cause of great Lenin, leader of the Soviet people, managing in conditions of violent resistance from internal and external enemies, being guided by the doctrine of Marx and Lenin, in practice realising the building of socialism in our country, a great military leader having managed to organize the people for achieving Victory over fascism in the Second World War and having founded the world system of socialism.
On the 21st December this year (1999) all honest Soviet people of the former Soviet Union, and countries abroad will commemorate the 120th Anniversary of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin’s birthday. J.V. Stalin’s name and cause are immortal, just like Marxism-Leninism and the experience of the Great October Socialist Revolution are immortal.
And Stalin is not to be blamed because of deliberate destruction of the foundations of socialism, and that inside a country, which was called the Soviet Union the temporary restoration of capitalism, has taken place. These bitter facts only confirm the historical correctness of the tenets of the Marxist-Leninist political economy of socialism, to deviate from which, J.V. Stalin warned, no leader must do if he is of course, a true Marxist-Leninist. Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev deviated from these fundamental tenets and therefore prepared for the success of the restoration of capitalism.
For almost half a century, practically everything that had been created and connected with the life of several generations of Soviet people in the Soviet period, and connected with the name of J.V. Stalin, has been deliberately subjected to, and continues to be subjected to distortion, desecration and outrage. This entire filthy lie has been psychologically and prudently presented all these years that the philistines who there are very, very many of, have believed it and continue to believe it today. In actual fact, this was a true clouding of minds and stupefying of the working masses and hidden class treachery of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union). The discrediting of Stalin and all of his activity was carried out and continues to be carried out today, with the aim of introducing an anti-state-like frame of mind as well as destructive turmoil in social consciousness, which the present-day restorers of capitalism so desperately need. And the result of this is present and can be seen. There is no unity within the communist movement, in the ranks of the communists a certain confusion is being observed, including a decrease in activity, expressing itself in the little-effective organisation of resistance to capitalism and in the contradictory attempts at a theoretical comprehension on what is happening around us. When referring to Marxism-Leninism, the communists express opposite points of view in relation to Marxism-Leninism itself.
So, when examining the question on the building of socialism in the USSR, the following question has been put to various scientific circles where various evaluations and discussions have been developed around this question: "Did we have socialism?" And there are quite a few scientists about who will answer negatively to the question on socialism in the USSR.
The party RPC (Russian Party of Communists), the Marxist platform and Professor A. Solovyev from Kostroma completely deny the existence of socialism in the USSR. Professor M. Popov from Leningrad and chief editor of the newspaper the "Independent Communist Digest" A. Provozin from Kiev including their followers, reject "the building of socialism in the main". Communists of the RCP-CPSU (Russian Communist Party- Communist Party of the Soviet Union) do not recognize the "complete victory of socialism" and equate it with the "fundamental building of socialism". The ACPB (All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks) and the workers movement unified around the newspaper "Arguments and Counter-arguments" maintain that socialism in the USSR had been built and fundamentally built. But the RCWP (Russian Communist Workers Party) states that socialism had been built but that there was no Soviet power.
Attempting to find an explanation for the restoration of capitalism, the communists reject in one sense or another the existence of socialism in the USSR, consciously or unconsciously aiming to fully ease the task for themselves by saying: "Socialism cannot be defeated". They declare that if this did happen, this would mean that there was simply no socialism. And as a whole, all these pronouncements, debates and discussions lead to accusations being made against J.V. Stalin, since it is the phrase about the "building of socialism in the main" in the 1930-s that is attributed to him.
Studying the works of J.V. Stalin gives evidence first of all about the farfetchedness of the initial thesis that socialism in the USSR was for "the most part built". Stalin made no such declarations either in the 1930-s or in the years following (more so, he never spoke about a complete victory of socialism in our country).
Stalin’s main accuser, Professor A. Solovyev (a fanatical anti-Stalinist and typical "child of the thaw" with all the consequences emanating from this) in an article entitled "For Leninism without Stalinism" published in the newspaper "Nash Vybor" No 3 from 1992, and in the newspaper "Shto Delat?" (What is to be done?) No 4 from 1994 and reprinted in the "NKD" (Independent Communist Digest) No1–3 from 1994, attributes to Stalin the following statement: "We have already implemented for the most part, the first phase of communism – socialism", ascribing it to 1939 and referring to a second source "The CPSU in resolutions". The reference to the second source speaks of the author as having not read the first source, with this, also disclosing himself and the editor of the "NKD" of also having not read this work.
The statement about the fulfillment in the main, of the building of socialism was indeed made by J.V. Stalin and not even in 1939, but in 1936 when presenting the draft of the new Constitution of the USSR (J.V. Stalin) ("Questions on Leninism", M.OGIZ, 1945, p. 514). There is a certain amount of difference between the terms ‘built’ and ‘fulfilled’. The term ‘construction’ or ‘building’ of socialism, like the term, a complete and full victory of socialism, is used by the classics only at the level of agitation. At a scientific level this term is not used because it is scientifically unsound in relation to the first phase of communism.
A word about communism and socialism.
Communism is an age-old dream of Mankind. This is the only social formation, which answers to the expectations and hopes of mankind. Marxism-Leninism teaches us that a direct leap from capitalism over to communism in social development is impossible.
In the works of Marx and Engels (Vol 19, p.27, Russian version) one can read the words of K. Marx: " Between capitalist and communist society there lies a period of the revolutionary transformation of the first into the second. A political transition period conforms to this period and the state during this period can be no other than the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat". This transition period of social development gained a definition – socialism, with the motto: "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his work".
V.I. Lenin (Vol 31, p.179, Russian version) writes: "From capitalism, Mankind can cross directly over to socialism only, that is, to the common ownership of the means of production and distribution of products by measure of the work fulfilled by each".
From this it follows that socialism is only the lower, initial phase of communist society. "The task of socialism is the transfer of all the means of production over into the property of all the people" (V.I. Lenin, Vol 35, p. 411, Russian version).
"Only the construction that can deserve to be called socialist will be able to produce according to a major plan, aiming for a uniform use of economic values. Only socialism can make possible the wide distribution with true form, subordinate social production and distribution of products for scientific purposes relative to making life easier for the workers, give them a chance of prosperity". (V.I. Lenin, Vol 36, p.381).
On the 25th October 1917, on the day that the Great October Socialist Revolution took place, the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets proclaimed the policy of socialist construction in Russia. Russia had to proceed along a difficult and unexplored road of socialist construction alone under the conditions of capitalist encirclement.
After V.I. Lenin died, Stalin swore an oath in public not to deviate from the socialist path of development, to be loyal to the ideas of Lenin and preserve the unity of the Communist Party. Stalin remained loyal to this oath right up until his last breath.
Leafing through pages of history of those years, we see the confident stride of the Country of Soviets along the path of socialist construction, where J.V. Stalin stood at the helm.
Socialist industrialization transformed the country into a powerful industrial power capable of providing further technological progress using its own strength. In the agrarian sector, collectivisation solved the urgent task of replacing the low commodity individual economy with major mechanized production, having changed the whole system of life in the village. The Cultural Revolution liquidated illiteracy and opened up a wide expanse for the development of the creative power of the working masses, formed the workers-peasants intelligentsia, united brotherly friendship and mutual aid of the people of the country.
In the years of the first five year plans, a scientifically planned system of economic management was set up based on constant growth in labour productivity and lowering the manufacturing costs of products. Competition, shock work and the Stakhanovite movement became the school of class education, by means of mobilizing the masses towards the building of a new society. During the years of socialist construction, capitalists, merchants, traders, wealthy farmers (Kulaks) and speculators were liquidated as a class of exploiters.
The deep changes in the life of the people of the Soviet Union, the decisive successes of socialism in the country were expressed in the new Constitution of the USSR, adopted in 1936 by the VIII Congress of Soviets. The Constitution consolidated that worldwide-historical fact that the USSR had entered into a new period of development, into a period of completing the building of a socialist society and the gradual transition over into a communist society.
According to the Constitution of the USSR, Soviet society consists of two mutually friendly classes – workers and peasants. The Soviets of Workers Deputies make up the political basis of the USSR. Socialist ownership over the means of production is the economic basis of the USSR. All citizens of the USSR are guaranteed the right to work, rest, education, material provision in retirement as well as in the case of illness and disability, and equal rights of citizens regardless of their nationality, race or gender. In the interests of strengthening socialist society, freedom of speech, print, assemblies and meetings, the right to unify into social organisations, inviolability of personality, inviolability of housing and secrecy of correspondence are guaranteed. All these unseen before in history great rights and freedoms for the workers were provided materially and economically by the whole system of a socialist economy not knowing crisis, anarchy or unemployment. Along with the Constitution, serious obligations were placed on all citizens, and they were as follows: to observe the laws, labour discipline, to act in an honest manner towards social, public duty, to respect the rules of socialist everyday life, to protect and strengthen socialist property and defend the socialist Fatherland.
What the best and most progressive minds of humanity had been dreaming of for hundreds of years, the Constitution of the USSR had made into immutable law – a Constitution of a socialist society with a developed socialist democracy.
The peoples of the USSR unanimously named the Constitution in honour of its creator – the Stalin Constitution. For the working masses of the USSR it was the result of struggle and triumphs, and for the working people of the capitalist countries – a great programme of struggle. The exclusively high prestige of the ACP(B) (All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik)) and the party-state leadership headed by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin revealed itself in all the work, which had been carried out on the building of socialism.
The Great Patriotic War was a historical test of strength for the born in battles and labour struggle of the socialist state. In the war years, socialism, the peoples of the Soviet Union under the leadership of the great military leader, Supreme Chief Commanding of the Red Army, J.V. Stalin endured this unseen test with honour.
And today, out of all the overthrowers of Stalin, shamelessly manipulating people with lies and personal ignorance, not one person has been found, and will not be found, who could demonstrate how, in those inhumanely difficult and extreme conditions, to not only keep socialism on its feet, but also make the Soviet Union the greatest power on our planet. Stalin’s actions were optimally possible and correct. Everything that Stalin had done, he had done in the interests of the absolute majority of our people and even in the name of saving the whole of Mankind. This has been convincingly proven by History itself.
The world and our "new" bourgeoisie continue to bitterly despise J.V. Stalin, because Stalin today is a symbol of revolutionary communism, is a loyal, true Marxist-Leninist, the builder of the first socialist state in the world. Stalin – this is a powerful blow to the world capitalist system, from which it will never ever recover. Stalin – this is the proletarian strategist who never lost in the battles against world capitalism, not one class battle. Stalin – this is the glorious chapter in the history of our Fatherland, which awaits its own thoughtful and impartial researchers.
Today, the attitude towards Stalin should become the criterion of how much of a communist, patriot and even of purely decency a person is. The ACPB (All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks) is today the transmitter of the ideas of J.V. Stalin and it will honour and carry the triumphant banner of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin into the XXI century.
Dear Comrades! In finishing off my speech I would like to appeal to he participators of this conference concerning a publication in the newspaper "Sovetskaya Rossiya" (Soviet Russia) on 6th July 1999 entitled "The living and the dead", conversations by a correspondent of the newspaper Sergei Ivanov with one of the country’s leading political psychologists, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences of St Petersburg State University, professor at the Department of General History at the Russian State Pedagogical University, Egyptologist, Andrei Leonidovich Vassoevich. The well-known scientist gives a brilliant, scientifically based rebuff to the present-day Kremlin outcasts who are planning to encroach upon the Lenin Mausoleum. Towards the end of the conversation, Andrei Leonidovich says: "The preservation of Lenin’s body in there (the Mausoleum) is only half a deed. We need to put forward the question on the restoration of historical justice in full volume, and return Generalissimo Stalin to the Mausoleum. I shall remind you that the circumstances surrounding the removal of his body from the Mausoleum and its burial were kept strictly secret. This act was carried out very hastily, in a thief-like manner and under a lot of fear. It cannot be excluded, as some witnesses are saying about this, that the body of Stalin was buried in the ground still inside the airtight sarcophagus, as it was inside the Mausoleum. Then in that case, it would have been fully preserved. This problem needs to be examined and addressed. For this, the deputies of the State Parliament (Duma) including the leftist opposition should pass a decree on the carrying out of an expert evaluation of the body of J.V. Stalin. If, all the same, such a miracle did occur, and as a result of exhumation, it could be established that the remains of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin had not decayed, then the duty of those elected by the people –the Deputies of the State Parliament and also the government (if it really is interested in strengthening accord in society, would be to adopt a decision on fairness, in relation to Generalissimo Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and on the returning of his body back to the Mausoleum".
I fully support the proposal of the well-known scientist Andrei Leonidovich and appeal to the participators in this conference with a request that they too support the scientist’s proposal, and by measure of their possibilities, contribute to making this a reality.
The founders of the Soviet State, Lenin and Stalin, must live forever!
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
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