Monday 5 March 2012

On the death of J.V. Stalin

On March 5, 1953 Joseph Stalin died - the greatest statesman and political figure, a prominent theoretician of Marxism-Leninism, the disciple and continuer of great Lenin, the head of the world's first multinational state of workers and peasants - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the greatest military leader, the leader of the working class and working people around the world.

Under the leadership of Stalin, backward, illiterate, peasant Russia in a historically short period of time became a world superpower - the Soviet Union, which had an advanced socialist economy, industry and high-grade large-scale mechanized agriculture, advanced science, culture and morality, quality education and health services to the population .

The world's greatest achievements of the Soviet Union after Stalin's death were - the launch of Soviet man into space, the development of peaceful nuclear energy, etc., and had been achieved only because of the tremendous scientific and technological, socio-economic, moral and political potential, created by J. V.Stalin.

The victory of the Soviet people under the leadership of Joseph Stalin over German fascism, the peoples of the world rallied around the Soviet Union against a new imperialist war, and the establishment of Soviet power's strategic nuclear forces held back the aggressive plans of U.S. imperialism and ensured peace on Earth for 50 years.

Just moving along the path of Stalin under the banner of Bolshevism, working people will be able to revive their great motherland - the Soviet Union, to become a barrier to the plans of hated Zionist-American imperialism, now fighting for world domination, the de-fusing of any new wars and bloody conflicts against countries and people standing in their way, and "guilty" only in that they hold oil and gas, or dare to carry out domestic and foreign policies independent of the U.S.. The U.S., Israel and their NATO allies are preparing a new bloodbath now already against Syria and Iran.

In all, the next victim of U.S. imperialism and NATO is Russia (and, hence, the Ukraine, and Belarus, and the rest of our great republic of the Soviet homeland.)

Therefore, today more than ever, the words of Joseph Stalin: "To eliminate the inevitability of war, imperialism, must be destroyed." This is the covenant of Stalin to the international working class and working people all over the world.

On March 4, 2012, in Russia ended a well played out power play, called "Presidential Elections". As expected, the "overwhelming victory" in the first round scored Vladimir Putin a protege of of big business, gaining 64, 75% of the vote (according to preliminary results, with 87% of the processing of ballots). Mironov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky "congratulated" the winner and declared "ready for dialogue." Zyuganov just got was issued him by the regime of 17% of the vote, again, eternally unhappy, believing the election "illegitimate, unfair and non-transparent," though how can it be different under the dictatorship of big capital. The same Zyuganov said about the results of December's parliamentary elections, however, this did not stop him, and companions amicably divide the Duma committees, sitting in comfortable chairs in an illegitimate Duma.

To destroy the domination of big capital, it is necessary to break the oppressive bourgeois state machine (to disperse the Duma, to abolish the institution of the presidency, etc.) and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat - in the form of Soviets, ie, the working class in its struggle to follow the laws of the class struggle. Stalin laid down -

"The dictatorship of the proletariat cannot arise as a result of the peaceful development of bourgeois society and bourgeois democracy - it can occur as a result of smashing the bourgeois state machine, the bourgeois army, the bourgeois bureaucratic apparatus of the bourgeois police" (Collected Works, v.6, p.116);

"... The law of violent proletarian revolution, the law of the smashing of the bourgeois state machine, as a preliminary condition for such a revolution is the inevitable law of the revolutionary movement in the imperialist countries of the world" (Works, v.6, p.117).

Friday 31 December 2010


In "Freedom Of Speech" ("2000” № 18-19 (509)), I saw a screaming headline of an article by Mr. Turchak entitled "Stalin - the most bloodthirsty dictator of the twentieth century”.
This opinion, I think is unscientific malicious slander. But, I think, you never know, maybe Turchak found in the archives irrefutable facts of the "criminal activity" of Stalin as a "bloody dictator"?
I read it. There are no facts in the article. All evidence by Turchak has gone in a single sentence: "According to the calculations of foreign historians (and these are scientists of world renown, and they can be trusted), as a result of Stalin's purges, famines, deportations and the liquidation of the kulaks, at least 20 million completely innocent people were killed." And the conclusion by Turchak: "This is a very good reason to dislike the leader and put him in the list of the bloodiest dictators of the twentieth century."
Good evidence! Needless to say! Who are these scientists of world renown? On the basis of what documents did they "calculate the number of "innocent victims"? Turchak modestly does not mention names. Who is it? Perhaps Solzhenitsyn, whose old Zeki, past Kolyma, Kraslag and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, after reading self-published version of "The Gulag Archipelago" that was called "a disgraceful bitch"? Or "historians" who have brought the numbers of deaths from starvation in 1932-33 up to astronomical proportions, and never stopped lying, opening photo exhibitions about the famine-genocide, while showing pictures of starving people in the Volga region in 1921 and starving unemployed refugees in the United States during the Great Depression, and added to the lists of victims of the Holodomor all those died of alcoholism or who was run over by a bull? Probably, these "historians" counted the number of victims of the "bloody tyrant Stalin?
Or maybe Dr. Goebbels, who tried to put the blame on Stalin for the Polish POWs murdered by the Nazis in Katyn in 1943?
In 1945, when the examination was carried out, the whole world recognized that the Poles were killed by Germans by their own weapons! This was confirmed by eyewitnesses of the events! However, every "popular intellectual" like Turchak, does not care!
The "popular intellectuals" are not interested in the opinion about Stalin by the sworn enemies of him, Churchill, Roosevelt, and that same Hitler. The opinion of marshals and designers who forged Victory, (the wonderful article by S. Lozunko "Stalin deserved a monument ...") - also does not interest Turchak. There is a team of people in power that must sling mud at Stalin, and the "popular intellectuals" – are right there to do just that! If they order Joseph Vissarionovich to sing an ode, again the "people's intellectuals" will be ahead of the rest. And the first ones will start yelling: "Death to the enemies of the people"! And if the situation changes, they will cry out: "Stalin is a bloody tyrant!"
The whole world recognized that the conspiracy of the High Command of the Red Army in the 30's against the Soviet power was not a fantasy of Stalin or Beria, but a brutal reality of that troubled time.
The whole world watched the open trial of the Bukharin-Trotskyist scoundrels. The whole world recognized that the fifth column of imperialism in the Soviet Union was, and before the war eliminated! What, they were all innocent victims?
After sweeping accusations of Stalin of bloodthirstyness, Turchak in his article begins to contradict himself. It turns out that when the "bloodthirsty tyrant was in power" there were 4-5 children to a family and a constant increase in the size of the population!
And vodka under Stalin was drank less! Why is this so?
Turchak still forgot to say that it was under Stalin, that industry was built, which is now exploited by all sorts of Lakshmi, Mittals and Akhmetovs gangsters. The "people's intellectual" forgot to mention how Stalin had took on the country armed with a plough and left it with a nuclear weapon!
Turchak hid the fact that such ardent and militant enthusiasm of the people after Stalin died was gone. And people began to drink more after the death of the leader, and already by the late 50's, the consumption of alcohol per capita had increased dramatically!
For Turchak, the leader of the Cadets, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Provisional Government, ardent anti-Bolshevik Miliukov is probably not of authority, he was not a "foreign historian"! Here is what wrote Miliukov of Stalin's Soviet Union: "The people there had changed, people have become much more developed, more intelligent. Soviet power for them is everything. It turned them into people, and they do not want anything else. A Soviet citizen is proud of his or her affiliation with the Bolshevik state. The great victory of the Red Army compels us to revise our previous attitude to the new Russia."
Turchak wrote that he "did not understand the connection between the reduction of the Ukrainian population during independence period and the Stalinist repressions. Let me explain.
Under Stalin, there was no reduction of the population! All of these "20 million innocent victims" is a lie. And now there is a reduction! At a rate of a minimum of 400 thousand people each year! There are many reasons for the population decline. And all these reasons for the genocide of the people have been created by capitalism and those who serve it!
The impossibility of enough money to fully cure oneself. Medicine and healthcare is something we now have to pay for! People are slowly dying because they have no money to have an operation, or to buy medicine, or pay for the hospital stay. How many are there of these people? Are there statistics? And the authorities say it is "natural population decline!
The impossibility of eating properly! Prices for meat, milk, eggs, vegetables - the backbone of human health – are beyond the clouds. However, all products of low quality are filled with chemical and biological additives.
The impossibility of paying tuition fees in universities. Education today, too, is not cheap! As a consequence - the inability to choose a specialty for the soul, and it is often impossible to choose any specialty at all. Next - unemployment, a humiliated state, living in constant stress, depression. The result - mental disorders, criminality, alcoholism, drug addiction, degradation ...
Was there any of that under "the bloody Stalin" Turchak?
In those days, medicine and education were free, with a reduced price for everything, and people were well nourished. And if there were hungry years caused by objective reasons, the people knew and then always found that this was only temporary, because they continued with dedication to build a future. People believed in the future without fear of bearing children. And they were willing to die for the future. That was the true passion of Soviet people. A nation becomes passionate when it consciously moves towards an established, long-term, dignified, selfless purpose. And for that, they are ready to die.
Therefore, they were proud of their country and selflessly died at the front, built and knew that this success was not only of Stalin, but of all the people!
And then something happened, something that A. Dulles had been dreaming of. Our true values were suddenly replaced by false ones, and we were forced to believe in them.
And for many, the purpose of life meant having a lot of sausage in the shops, crystal in the cabinet and tranquility. The passion had vanished, and it was replaced by drunk, bitter middle class values.
There were exceptions, but the trend was troubling. If we add to this the work of American intelligence, the betrayal by the top echelons of the CPSU, it is only natural that we come eventually to the restoration of capitalism, with all the nightmares that stem from this.
V. Bushin, a prominent journalist spoke very well of this when he said: "The more time goes by, the more visible becomes the majestic figure of Stalin. Ironically, the Democrats by their actions have justified Stalin in everything. Absolutely everything. So one could assume that it would be have been better to have a softer policy, and would have been better not to have made such drastic steps. One look at the actions of Democrats, and you see that Stalin was right."
In the twenty-first century, the world capitalist system went into its deepest crisis in its history. The current situation can not even been compared to the Great Depression of the late 1920-s - early 1930-s. Now we are witnessing not only a crisis of overproduction, but also a systemic ruling crisis. In other words, the system has ceased to be controllable. The market and private property have shown their complete failure in the era of global expansion of capitalism. Everything is just as the classics as prescribed: the social nature of production has entered into fierce conflict with the private appropriation of the results of this production. Hence the poverty of entire continents, famine, war, etc. Billions of people have been made redundant in this system, and its very existence is under threat. And the system takes steps to remedy the situation ... by the planned destruction of these "extras" under the guise of natural de-population!
We have all been deliberately, using commodity-money relations, deprived of money, deprived of healthcare, quality and nourishing food, drinking water and education, both through advertising and instilling alcohol and tobacco. They invent in laboratories new types of diseases (bird flu, swine flu, etc.), invent non-existent diseases (AIDS), and then organize hysteria all over the world, transforming the "superfluous" into paranoids who think of only one thing - not to get sick and die. They construct new kinds of drugs and distribute them, slowly killing the people and thus earning huge money.
And all those who are deliberately doing this, who are running this process and directing the genocide, hysterically curse Stalin. By inventing his "bloody crimes," they are hiding their own heinous crimes globally.
Next, Turchak thoughtfully argues that we need "a modern leftist party of a European type, free from leaderism", etc. By the way, every day we hear: "the leader of the Party of the Regions", "the leader of BYT” (Timoshenko), "the leader of the "Freedom" party, "the leader of the country "... Look Turchak, in the Anglo-Russian dictionary, and you will see how the word "leader ", translated into Russian and, hopefully, will no longer talk nonsense about "freedom from leaderism”.
Well, the main thing is Turchak defined: "a decent standard of living of the working people under capitalism."
Now everything is clear. Turchak is not a "popular intellectual", as he calls himself. He is just a servant of capitalism, begging for crumbs from the master's table!
Turchak hides from the people that under capitalism, the working people can never live with dignity! In order for the countries of the "golden billion", to feel more or less well fed, it is necessary for 3 billion people of the world to starve and the rest suffer from malnutrition! Moreover, as shown by disturbances in Greece, Italy, Germany, France, in the "golden billion" things are not looking so good!
Stalin before his death said: We need a theory! Without theory, we die! At the time, Stalin still could not see the new base of this theory. And now this base is in every house. I'm talking about the computerization of the world. No, and not stupid computer games, or porn sites ...
After the revolution in science and technology, i.e. with the development of productive forces, industrial relations must inevitably change.
The world is rapidly being cybernetisized. Many production processes are automated. Robots have become a reality, as if disappearing from the pages of science fiction books and coming to life. Nobody doubts that there has been a scientific and technological revolution. But the production relations have remained essentially such as they were in the days of steam engines. Salaried workers, the principle of private appropriation of labor, the wild pursuit of profit, the excitement through advertising and of rampant consumerism, credit and money-grubbing among the mass of the planet's population, the exploitation of nature and people, including slavery! The monstrous growth of production for profit has raised the question of depletion of natural energy resources on the planet. It had already been calculated that in order for the whole population of the planet to consume as much as U.S. citizens, we would need another planet with the same energy resources. In addition, with this level of consumption by all mankind, the planet in a very short period of time would just suffocate in a haze. I.e. the level of consumption should be driven into a reasonable framework and a fair distribution of the total labor started. The vicious practice, when some eat enough for three people, suffer from obesity and throw half the products into the garbage, while most others go hungry - must stop. Under capitalism, this is impossible.
Another danger faced by humanity is connected, strangely enough, with the scientific-technological revolution – and the result of it.
Let's imagine that the majority of industries in the world are automated and robotic. Technically this is possible now. Huge masses of workers will be thrown into the street. They simply will not be needed in the production process. No private owner will feed them. This phenomenon is fundamentally worse than any of the unemployment generated by recession. Recession is followed by boom, and yesterday the unemployed return to work. By replacing people with robots - people will never be needed!
Slums will be filled and grow in size. And if the "surplus" people in the countries of the “golden billion" somehow keep afloat, the position of the peoples of the capitalist periphery will be disastrous. This is the economic aspect of scientific and technological progress. But there is also the psychological aspect. A person without creative work quickly degrades. Unemployed people suffer more from the inability to apply their knowledge and skills. And this leads to mental disorders with often irreversible consequences.
And there is only one way out of this situation - socialism. But this is not a return to socialism of the Brezhnev era. Humanity must move to a new, scientific-technical model:
1) The nationalization of all businesses and industries. In the country should be made and be available all that is necessary for a normal life. We have the technical and scientific basis for that.
All available resources through government programs are transformed not into profits of billionaires, but go towards the automation and robotization of all industries.
The problem of "surplus" workers can be solved only by reducing the working day of every worker to 2-4 hours per day. One process during the working day will carried out by several people. We must forever eradicate the inescapable monotony and weariness of it, its professional deformation, etc. All these measures will sharply boost productivity.
In their spare time, people will study, practice art and sports. Creativity and healthy lifestyles will be promoted and cultivated, and any tendency towards degradation and parasitism suppressed.
2) The whole industry of the country must unite into a computer network of automatic control systems for production, planning and distribution.
A powerful central computer must in real-time, process information, which will constantly flow into it: how much and what is produced, how much to produce, how much natural resources are extracted and used, population size, trends in its population and consumption levels, the weather and its forecast - and much more that necessary for the normal process of production and society as a whole.
Today, technology allows everyone with a personal computer and mobile phone to log onto ACS and download to a central computer, data based on region. What is in the shops, what need delivering, suggestions and proposals on other issues, etc. All this information will be processed in real time, adjusting production and distribution.
The introduction of the automated computer analysis of supply and demand, the first time in human history, will make it possible to systematically reject the market! And this will be the first time commodity-money relations will be eliminated - this monster, the cancer of humanity. From relations that push people into crime and war, turning them into greedy, crazed consumers of advertising, products, each other and nature.
Such a system of management and planning had been developed by outstanding cybernetics scientist - Glushkov in the mid 1960-s But then, scientists encountered technical difficulties –computors were not so powerful. But in the leadership of the USSR the line of "marketeers"won. "Kosygin’s reform", was implemented and in the country instead of a breakthrough into the future, commodity-money relations and categories mossy capitalist "profit" and "cost accounting" were mothballed. All this eventually led to the restoration of capitalism in 1991.
Now only the blind can not see that the representative bourgeois democracy is outdated, corrupt and demoralized.
The world has arrived at a threshold when: either a revolution will be carried out in all aspects of public life from government to the economy, or humanity will be thrown into chaos and barbarism which will destroy itself along with it habitat environment.
So, "people's intellectual" Turchak need not be anxious for anything. There is a party with a specific program, a purpose, a dream, for which it makes sense to fight.
But the preservation of capitalism - is a dead end for humanity.


From the Editor: We fully agree with the author's claim that capitalism has broughts mankind to a standstill, the outcome of which can only be a the proletarian revolution and the building of a classless communist society. Work in this society will become a vital necessity for man, as food, water, air. As underlined by the classics, only with communism begins the real history of mankind. Outstanding Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky stated that the Earth is the cradle of humanity. It is from communism that begins the mastering by mankind of the solar system, and then other star systems. In this direction, so far only the first steps have been taken. And the path into Space was continued by the world’s first country of socialism – the USSR. Therefore, the free time of every person will be occupied with intense creative labour, devoted to the modernisation and self-improvement of the individual. This is the aim towards which is directed the activity of our party, the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - AUCPB

Thursday 26 August 2010


For Bolshevism-AUCPB


Abstracts from lectures by Stalin “ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF LENINISM"(Works, vol.6)

"... By whom and where has it been proven that the parliamentary form of struggle is the main form of struggle of the proletariat? Does not the history of the revolutionary movement show that the parliamentary struggle is only a school and help to organize the outside-parliamentary struggle of the proletariat, that the main issues of the labour movement under capitalism are solved by force, by the direct struggle of the proletarian masses, their general strike, their revolt? "
"The dictatorship of the proletariat can not arise as a result of the peaceful development of bourgeois society and bourgeois democracy - it can only arise as a result of breaking the bourgeois state machine, the bourgeois army, the bourgeois bureaucracy, bourgeois politics."
“The deadly sin of the II International was not that it overestimated the importance of these forms (parliamentary forms of struggle - editor.), considering them almost the only forms, but when the period came for open revolutionary struggles and the question of outside-parliamentary forms of struggle became primary, the parties of the II International turned away from these new challenges and did not adopt them."
"For the reformist, the reform is everything - revolutionary work is not so important, it’s for conversation, a diversion. Therefore, the reform in the reformist tactics in the conditions of bourgeois rule inevitably becomes an instrument of strengthening that authority and into an instrument of contraction of the revolution. For the revolutionary though, on the contrary, the main thing is revolutionary work, and not reform – for him, reforms are a by-product of revolution. Therefore, the reform with revolutionary tactics in the conditions of bourgeois rule, of course, becomes an instrument of break-up of this power and an instrument for strengthening the revolution, a base for further development of the revolutionary movement.
The revolutionary accepts a reform in order to use it as an aid in combining legal and illegal work, in order to use it as a cover for illegal work for the revolutionary preparation of the masses for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie.
This is the essence of revolutionary use of reforms and agreements in the conditions of imperialism.
The reformist, on the contrary, will accept reforms in order to renounce all illegal work and to undermine the work of preparing the masses for revolution under the cover (bestowed) of reform. This is the essence of reformist tactics."
"Defending the II International against attacks, Kautsky says that the parties of the II International are an instrument of peace rather than war and that is why they were not able to do anything serious in the war, in the period of revolutionary actions by the proletariat. That is quite true. But what does this mean? This means that the parties of the II International were unfit for the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat, that they are not militant parties of the proletariat leading the workers to power, but an election machine adapted for parliamentary elections and the parliamentary struggle. Actually, this explains the fact that during the dominance of opportunists in the II International, the main political organization of the proletariat was not a party, but a parliamentary faction.”
"To think that new tasks can be performed by the forces of the old social-democratic parties brought up in the peaceful environment of parliamentarism – means to condemn oneself to hopeless despair and inevitable defeat."
"The party must stand in front of the working class, it must see further than the working class, it must lead the proletariat, and not drag along behind in the wake of spontaneity.”
"The working class without a revolutionary party – is an army without a headquarters. The Party is the headquarters of the proletariat.”

(Comment….this is something the communists in Britain needs study and to act on.

Tuesday 22 December 2009


Statement by the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party Bolsheviks (CC AUCPB) in connection with the 130 th anniversary of the birth of J.V. Stalin

December 21, 1879, 130 years ago, Joseph Stalin (Dzhugashvili) was born - the greatest statesman and political figure, the greatest military leader, a prominent theoretician of Marxism-Leninism, the student and the continuer of great Lenin, the head of the world's first multinational state of workers and peasants –the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the leader of the working class, workers, the oppressed and dispossessed masses throughout the world. Stalin went down in history as a leading politician of the twentieth century, as the creator of the first ever multi-ethnic state of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

As the largest proletarian revolutionary, J.V. Stalin was one of the main organizers of the struggle of the proletariat against the tsarist Russia, the landowners and the bourgeoisie, the preparation and implementation of the socialist revolution in Russia. Great is his role in the fight against the White Army and interventionists during the Civil War, in the implementation of industrialization and collectivization of agriculture in the struggle to build socialism and the independence of the Soviet Union, the strengthening of world peace. Much of the credit belongs to the J.V. Stalin in the ideological struggle with the enemies of Leninism - the Trotskyites, right-wing opportunists and bourgeois nationalists and various revisionists. In his theoretical works that have enduring value, J.V. Stalin, defending Leninism creatively developed the Marxist-Leninist theory in relation to the construction of socialism in the USSR. This has been important for the international workers' and communist movement. His most recent theoretical work, “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR "(1952) had a great influence on the development of the Marxist foundations of the political economy of socialism. J.V. Stalin, stressing the objective nature of economic laws under socialism, formulated the basic economic law of socialism: "To ensure maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of society through the continuous expansion and improvement of socialist production on the basis of higher techniques. "Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR" are testament J.V. Stalin, the new generation of builders of communism in the USSR.

J.V. Stalin has always emphasized the need to strengthen the Soviet state, the intransigence of class enemies, and vigilance against counter-revolutionaries, saw the potential threat to socialism in the USSR. Now, more than half a century after the death J.V. Stalin, you see the justice and the vision put forward in his position that the Soviet state as we move forward in building socialism, the class struggle in the country will be increasingly exacerbated. Rejecting of this thesis, a mocker of his disdain in the Khrushchev and Brezhnev times, opened the gates of creeping counter-revolution, was a prelude to the downfall of the cause of building communism in the USSR.

Indisputable is the colossal role of Stalin as military leader of the Soviet people in the defeat of German fascism in the Second World War, in the formation after the end of the war of a powerful world socialist camp.

In the work of the party, the Bolshevik Party and Soviet State in strengthening the defence capabilities of the country in connection with the "cold war" against the socialist camp, started by former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in the construction of missile and nuclear capabilities of the USSR is an enormous role in person J.V. Stalin. Creating on orders of Stalin and the test in the Soviet Union in August 1949 of the atomic bomb prevented the possibility of unleashing a World War III by the imperialists with the use of nuclear weapons.

The outstanding work by J.V. Stalin was highly appreciated by the Soviet government. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labour (1939), Hero of the Soviet Union (1945) and the Generalissimo of the Soviet Union (1945). He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, the Order of Victory of the Red Banner, Suvorov 1-st degree and medals.

The death of J.V. Stalin (March 5, 1953) interrupted the rapid movement of our country forward - towards communism. Then came to power petty-bourgeois neo-trotskyite group of N.S. Khrushchev that rejected the Stalinist strictly scientific and inextricably linked with the practical needs of society plans to move to communist construction, slandered the leader and laid the foundations for the gradual drift of our country back to the capitalist slavery. Degeneration of the Communist Party and the proletarian state, the gradual displacement of the working class from power, the introduction of capitalist elements in the socialist economy created economic, ideological, socio-political conditions for the bourgeois counter-revolution, carried out under the flag of Gorbachev's perestroika and led to the temporary defeat of socialism, the destruction of the socialist camp and of our great Soviet homeland.

At present the Soviet people, divided by national quarters is experiencing a real tragedy.

Interethnic conflicts and wars, multi-million mass unemployment and poverty, drunkenness at the hopelessness of life, massive drug use, months of unpaid salaries, pensions and scholarships to starvation, constant and rapid increase in food prices and essential commodities, the growth rates for housing and transportation services upsurge of crime and prostitution, family disintegration and child neglect, and as a result - the rapid extinction of the population. Here are the main satellites of capitalism restored in our country as a result of the victory of the counterrevolution and the destruction of the USSR.

The so-called Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), established on the ruins of the Soviet Union, has shown its complete failure and incompetence. Bourgeois rulers of former Soviet republics faithfully serving thieves of oligarchic capital, in order to distract working people from the real cause of all their calamities and misfortunes - the revival of capitalism, a policy of disengagement and hostility towards people, inciting and pitting nations against each other and in the first place -- the great Russian people.

Transnational capital, American and Western multinational corporations and banks have become the real masters of the so-called "Sovereign" and "independent" states of the former Soviet republics, dictating the ruling political regimes of its own will, imposing financial and economic policies conducive to maximizing profits from the brutal exploitation of our people and plunder our natural resources.
"Colour revolutions" in Georgia and Ukraine, the scenario of Western puppeteers and funded by hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars, brought to power in these republics puppets of U.S. capital, conducting anti-Russia policies of open confrontation of fraternal peoples - Georgian and Russian (Mikhail Saakashvili, the 5 day war of Georgia against South Ossetia in August, 2008), pitting against each other of the two half-Slavic peoples - Russian and Ukrainian (Yushchenko), etc. And all this - for the sake of the interests of U.S. imperialism, Zionist capital of the world struggling for world supremacy and the extension of the existence of past exploitative system in the world - capitalism at its highest, imperialist stage. The struggle for the extraction of excess profits due to ruthless exploitation of cheap labour, plunder of natural resources and wealth in the first place - Russia, other republics of the USSR, through violence and the organization of the local bloody wars in the Middle East, as well as against other countries and peoples, not part of the so-called "golden billion" - this savage face of modern world Zionism and its practices through policies adopted by the United States.

Crushed by the need to survive and rabid anti-communist propaganda in all media, domestic and foreign, workers of the USSR did not want to put up with the pathetic plight of modern slaves and begin to rise to fight for their rights. There is a growing scale of the strike struggle in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Central Asian republics and the Baltic. While this struggle is not organized and cohesive, the bourgeois regime still manages to divide and separate the fighters for their social and political rights. The reason for the weak activity of confrontation - is in the degeneration of society in the period after Stalin. During the years of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, the working class, working people of our country lost much of its revolutionary character, the revolutionary spirit, to a certain extent became philistine and become a man in the street, waiting for the mercy of the powers that be and who believe their empty promises. Modern bourgeois harsh reality destroys illusions. The working people are increasingly aware that the parliamentary and presidential election campaigns only strengthen the power of capital and the ever-worsening situation of human labour. This is particularly evident in the current deep financial crisis that has engulfed the whole imperialist world. Output from the system of world crisis, the bourgeoisie, the big business trying to exercise only at the expense of workers, ruthlessly driven out on the street, and left without a livelihood and of themselves and their families.

The working class, working people has the only correct way, one weapon - the inflexible, firm and decisive struggle for their rights, solidarity, unity and organization in this struggle, class solidarity, mutual help and mutual assistance.
The working class, working people, referring to the experience of the Stalinist period of construction and protecting the gains of socialism, a period of struggle and victory, make the right conclusions for themselves. Public opinion is gradually unfolding in the direction of Stalin, to realize the greatness of deed of his life and activities devoted to improving the lives of working people.

The truth can not be killed or hidden. True stories swept away from its path by foul lies and slander of every kind of renegades, perjurers, corrupt lackeys of world imperialism and the enemies of socialism and the Soviet people, more than 50 years maliciously slandering Stalin, smearing the light of way, trying to erase or erase the memory of the Soviet people and all progressive humanity of Stalin.

Last year, the forgers of history in Russia decided to ascertain the impact of its malicious and slanderous anti-Soviet and anti-Stalinist propaganda, organized a television opinion poll "Name of Russia". The survey results led the organizers to a state of shock: in the first place came Stalin! Organization of double voting, disconnecting the phone number for votes in favour of Stalin, cutoff (theft) of one million votes in favour of Stalin, the servants of the current criminal capitalism, Russia has to remove the name of Stalin in the first place.

The television poll of opinion "Name of Russia" clearly demonstrated that despite continued for more than five decades of unbridled anti-Stalinist campaign of lies and distortions of history, recently re-assuming the character of anti-Stalinist hysteria, the name, and the cause of Stalin is alive in people's memory. Today, there is an unlimited demand, for each more or less truthful book about J.V. Stalin and the Stalin era. There is a growing stream of people coming to his modest grave at the Kremlin wall, to pay tribute of respect and love to J.V. Stalin.

We Bolsheviks can say with justifiable pride that since its inception on Nov. 8, 1991, our Party, the AUCPB held and now holds a clear and precise position on promoting the personality of J.V. Stalin, of enormous historical significance of his ideological and practical activities in world history. The evidence of this are our books, articles, Stalin conferences, rallies, demonstrations, pickets. The return of opinion recently in the direction of Stalin, the growth of interest in his personality and activities, we refer to the merits of our party - the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. If the 90-ies of the last century, our fellow travellers in the communist movement, shied away from us, bearing in demonstrations portraits of Stalin, they are now (RCWP-PKK), represented by their leaders to adopt the plenary meetings of their party statements to remember Stalin on special dates like fervent Stalinists with the slogan - "Glory to Comrade Stalin!". Or another obvious example - the leader of the Communist Party of the Social-Democrat Zyuganov, now stands as a ... zealous advocate (!) of Stalin in the TV show the Round Table. Head of Communist Party cells in Minsk - in the very recent past, an outspoken anti-Stalinist is now positioning itself as a "true Stalinist".

Leaders are forced to shift position by their party ranks who do not share the ideological position of their leaders.

Stalin prophetically once said, "... many of the affairs of our Party and people would be distorted, and spat upon, especially abroad, and in our country - too. ... And yet - no matter how events developed, the time will pass and the eyes of new generations will be converted to the cause and victories of our socialist motherland. Year after year, new people will come. They once again raise the banner of their fathers and grandfathers. And they will give due in full. This time - the respect and admiration for the heroic deeds of our grandfathers and fathers, who defended and build socialism under the leadership of the great Stalin, is already knocking at the door.

"Stalin - our banner of fighting!" - Now, as before, -- is the
slogan of our party!

NA Andreeva

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist party of Bolsheviks (CC AUCPB)

Translated by Kevin Cain
For Bolshevism-AUCPB


Сталин – наше знамя боевое!
Заявление Центрального Комитета Всесоюзной Коммунистической партии Большевиков в связи со 130-й годовщиной со дня рождения И.В.Сталина

21 декабря 1879 года, 130 лет тому назад, родился Иосиф Виссарионович Сталин (Джугашвили) – величайший государственный и политический деятель, крупнейший полководец, выдающийся теоретик марксизма-ленинизма, ученик и продолжатель дела великого Ленина, руководитель первого в мире многонационального государства рабочих и крестьян – Союза Советских Социалистических Республик, вождь рабочего класса, трудящихся, угнетённых и обездоленных масс всего мира. И.В.Сталин вошёл в историю как крупнейший политик ХХ века, как создатель первого в истории многонационального государства диктатуры пролетариата.
Будучи крупнейшим пролетарским революционером, И.В. Сталин стал одним из главных организаторов борьбы российского пролетариата против царизма, помещиков и буржуазии, подготовки и осуществления социалистической революции в России. Велика его роль в борьбе с белогвардейцами и интервентами в годы гражданской войны, в осуществлении индустриализации СССР и коллективизации сельского хозяйства, в борьбе за построение социализма, за независимость Советской страны, за укрепление мира во всём мире. Большая заслуга принадлежит И.В. Сталину в идейной борьбе с врагами ленинизма – троцкистами, правыми оппортунистами, буржуазными националистами и различными ревизионистами. В своих теоретических работах, имеющих непреходящее значение, И.В. Сталин, отстаивая ленинизм, творчески развивал марксистско-ленинскую теорию применительно к строительству социализма в СССР. Это имело важное значение для всего международного рабочего и коммунистического движения. Его последняя теоретическая работа «Экономические проблемы социализма в СССР» (1952 г.) оказала большое влияние на разработку марксистских основ политической экономии социализма. И.В. Сталин, подчеркивая объективный характер экономических законов при социализме, сформулировал основной экономический закон социализма: «обеспечение максимального удовлетворения постоянно растущих материальных и культурных потребностей всего общества путём непрерывного роста и совершенствования социалистического производства на базе высшей техники». «Экономические проблемы социализма в СССР» стали завещанием И.В. Сталина новым поколениям строителей коммунизма в СССР.
И.В. Сталин неизменно подчёркивал необходимость укрепления Советского государства, непримиримости к классовым врагам, бдительности по отношению к контрреволюционерам, видел возможные угрозы делу социализма в СССР. Сейчас, спустя более полувека после кончины И.В. Сталина, понимаешь всю справедливость и дальновидность выдвинутого им положения, что по мере продвижения Советского государства вперёд в строительстве социализма, классовая борьба в стране будет всё более и более обостряться. Отказ от этого положения, глумливое его шельмование в хрущевские и брежневские времена, открыли ворота ползучей контрреволюции, стали прологом к крушению дела строительства коммунизма в СССР.
Неоспорима колоссальная роль И.В.Сталина как полководца Советского народа в разгроме немецкого фашизма во Второй мировой войне, в становлении после ее окончания мощного мирового социалистического лагеря.
В работе партии большевиков и Советского государства по укреплению оборонного потенциала страны в связи с «холодной войной» против лагеря социализма, развязанной бывшими союзниками по антигитлеровской коалиции, в строительстве ракетно-ядерного потенциала СССР, огромна роль лично И.В. Сталина. Создание по заданию И.В.Сталина и испытание в Советском Союзе в августе 1949 г. атомной бомбы предотвратило саму возможность развязывания империалистами III мировой войны с применением ядерного оружия.
Выдающаяся деятельность И.В. Сталина была высоко оценена Советским правительством. Ему были при¬своены звания Героя Социалистического Труда (1939), Героя Советского Союза (1945) и Генералиссимуса Советского Союза (1945). Он был награждён тремя орденами Ленина, орденами Победы, Красного Знамени, Суворова 1-й степени и медалями.
Смерть И.В. Сталина (5 марта 1953 г.) прервала стремительное движение нашей страны вперёд – к коммунизму. Пришедшая к власти мелкобуржуазная неотроцкистская группировка Н.С. Хрущёва отказалась от сталинских строго научных и неразрывно связанных с практическими потребностями общества планов перехода к коммунистическому строительству, оклеветала вождя и заложила основы для постепенного сползания нашей страны назад, к капиталистическому рабству. Перерождение КПСС и пролетарского государства, постепенное оттеснение рабочего класса от власти, внедрение капиталистических элементов в социалистическую экономику создало экономические, идеологические, социально-политические предпосылки для буржуазной контрреволюции, осуществлённой под флагом горбачёвской перестройки и приведшей к временному поражению социализма, разрушению социалистического лагеря и нашей великой Советской Родины.
В настоящее время советский народ, разделённый по национальным квартирам, переживает подлинную трагедию.
Межнациональные конфликты и войны, многомиллионная безработица и нищета, пьянство от беспросветности бытия, массовая наркомания, многомесячные невыплаты зарплаты, нищенские пенсии и стипендии, постоянный и стремительный рост цен на продукты питания и товары первой необходимости, рост тарифов на жилищно-коммунальные и транспортные услуги, всплеск преступности и проституции, разрушение семьи и детская беспризорность, и как следствие – стремительное вымирание населения. Вот основные спутники капитализма, реставрированного в нашей стране в результате победы контрреволюции и разрушения СССР.
Так называемое Содружество независимых государств (СНГ), созданное на обломках СССР, показало свою полную несостоятельность и недееспособность. Буржуазные правители бывших республик СССР, верой и правдой служа воровскому олигархическому капиталу, с целью отвлечь внимание трудового народа от подлинного виновника всех их бедствий и несчастий – возрождённого капитализма, проводят политику разъединения и вражды народов, натравливая и противопоставляя народы друг другу, в первую очередь – великому русскому народу.
Транснациональный капитал, американские и западные транснациональные корпорации и банки, становятся подлинными хозяевами в т.н. «суверенных» и «независимых» государствах – бывших республиках СССР, диктуя правящим там политическим режимам свою волю, навязывая финансово-экономический и политический курс, способствующий извлечению максимальной прибыли из нещадной эксплуатации нашего народа и грабежа наших природных богатств.
«Цветные революции» в Грузии и на Украине, осуществлённые по сценарию западных кукловодов и профинансированные ими сотнями миллионов американских долларов, привели к власти в этих республиках ставленников американского капитала, проводящих открыто антироссийскую политику стравливания братских народов – грузинского и русского ( М.Саакашвили, пятидневная война Грузии против Южной Осетии в августе 2008 г.), противопоставления друг другу двух единокровных славянских народов – русских и украинцев (В.Ющенко) и т.д. И всё это – во имя обеспечения интересов империализма США, мирового сионистского капитала, ведущего борьбу за мировое господство и продление существования последнего эксплуататорского строя на земле – капитализма на его высшей, империалистической стадии. Борьба за извлечение сверхприбыли за счёт нещадной эксплуатации дешёвой рабочей силы, грабежа природных ресурсов и богатств, в первую очередь – России, других республик СССР, путем насилия и организации локальных кровавых военных конфликтов на Ближнем Востоке, а также против других стран и народов, не относящихся к так называемому «золотому миллиарду» – вот звериный оскал современного мирового сионизма и его практики через политику, проводимую США.
Задавленные необходимостью выживания и оголтелой антикоммунистической пропагандой через все СМИ, «отечественные» и зарубежные, трудящиеся СССР не хотят мириться с жалкой участью современных рабов и начинают подниматься на борьбу за свои права. Ширится размах забастовочной борьбы в России, на Украине, в Казахстане, республиках Средней Азии и Прибалтики. Пока эта борьба недостаточно организована и сплочена. Буржуазным режимам всё ещё удаётся разобщить и разъединить борцов за свои социальные и политические права. Причина слабой активности противостояния – в перерождении общества в период после Сталина. За годы правления Хрущёва и Брежнева рабочий класс, трудящиеся нашей страны во многом утратили свой революционный характер, революционный дух, в определённой мере омещанились и превратились в обывателей, ждущих милости от властей предержащих и верящих их пустым обещаниям. Современная жестокая буржуазная действительность разрушает иллюзии. Трудовой народ всё больше осознаёт, что парламентско-президентские избирательные кампании только укрепляют власть капитала и всё более ухудшают положение человека труда. Особенно это ярко проявляется в ходе нынешнего глубокого финансово-экономического кризиса, охватившего весь империалистический мир. Выход из системного мирового кризиса буржуазия, крупный капитал пытаются осуществить только за счёт рабочих, безжалостно выгоняя их на улицу и оставляя без средств к существованию и их самих, и их семьи.
У рабочего класса, трудящихся есть единственный правильный путь, одно оружие – непреклонная, твёрдая и решительная борьба за свои права, сплочённость, стойкость и организованность в этой борьбе, классовая солидарность, взаимопомощь и взаимовыручка.
Рабочий класс, трудящиеся массы, обращаясь к опыту сталинского периода строительства и защиты завоеваний социализма, периода борьбы и побед, делают правильные для себя выводы. Общественное мнение постепенно разворачивается в сторону И.В.Сталина, к осознанию величия подвига всей его жизни и деятельности, посвященной улучшению жизни трудового народа.
Правду нельзя убить или спрятать. Правда истории сметает со своего пути гнусную ложь и клевету всякого рода ренегатов, клятвопреступников, продажных прислужников мирового империализма, врагов социализма и советского народа, более 50-ти лет злобно клевещущих на И.В.Сталина, пытающихся измазать грязью его светлый образ, вытравить или стереть его из памяти советского народа, всего прогрессивного человечества.
В прошлом году фальсификаторы истории в России решили удостовериться в результативности своей злобной клеветнической антисоветской и антисталинской пропаганды, организовав телевизионный опрос мнений «Имя России». Результаты опроса привели организаторов в состояние шока: на первое место вышел И.В.Сталин! Организацией повторного голосования, отключением номера телефона для голосующих «ЗА» И.В.Сталина, отсеканием (воровством) одного миллиона голосов «ЗА» Сталина, слугам нынешнего криминального российского капитализма удалось сместить имя Сталина с первого места.
Телевизионный опрос мнений «Имя России» воочию показал, что несмотря на продолжающуюся уже более пяти десятилетий разнузданную антисталинскую кампанию лжи и извращения истории, в последнее время вновь принимающей характер антисталинской истерии, имя и дело Сталина живут в памяти народной. Сегодня неограниченным спросом пользуется каждая мало-мальски правдивая книга о И.В. Сталине, Сталинской Эпохе. Ширится поток людей, приходящих к его скромной могиле у кремлевской стены, чтобы отдать дань уважения и любви И.В. Сталину.
Мы, большевики, можем с законной гордостью сказать, что с момента своего основания 8 ноября 1991 года наша партия ВКПБ занимала и ныне занимает ясную и четкую позицию в вопросе популяризации личности И.В. Сталина, огромной исторической значимости его идейной и практической деятельности в мировой истории. Свидетельства тому – наши книги, статьи, сталинские конференции, митинги, манифестации, пикеты. Разворот общественного мнения последнее время в сторону И.В.Сталина, рост интереса к его личности и деятельности мы относим к заслугам работы нашей партии – Всесоюзной Коммунистической партии Большевиков. Если в 90-х годах прошлого века наши попутчики по коммунистическому движению шарахались от нас, несущих на демонстрациях портреты И.В.Сталина, то сегодня они (РКРП-РПК) в лице своих лидеров принимают на Пленумах своих партий Заявления к памятной сталинской дате как истовые сталинцы с лозунгом – «Слава товарищу Сталину!». Или другой наглядный пример – лидер КПРФ социал-демократ Зюганов Г.А. ныне выступает… рьяным защитником (!) И.В.Сталина в телевизионном шоу за круглым столом. Руководитель ячейки КПСС в Минске – в весьма недалёком прошлом ярый антисталинец, ныне позиционирует себя как «последовательного сталинца».
Переориентироваться лидеров заставляют их партийные ряды, не разделяющие идеологическую позицию своих верхов.
Сталин пророчески как-то сказал «…многие дела нашей партии и народа будут извращены и оплеваны, прежде всего за рубежом, да и в нашей стране – тоже.…И все же – как бы ни развивались события, но пройдет время и взоры новых поколений будут обращены к делам и победам нашего социалистического Отечества. Год за годом будут приходить новые люди. Они вновь поднимут знамя своих отцов и дедов. И отдадут нам должное сполна». Это время – уважения и восхищения героическими подвигами наших дедов и отцов, защищавших и строивших социализм под руководством великого И.В.Сталина, уже стучится в дверь.
«Сталин – наше знамя боевое!» – сегодня, как и ранее, –
лозунг деятельности нашей партии!
Генеральный Секретарь ЦК ВКПБ

Wednesday 7 October 2009


G.A. Petrov, Doctor of Military Science
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin – the great political activist of the XX century and a great scientist, politologist, philosopher, sociologist and remarkable designer of political strategies and tactics. A one time superb leader (apparatchik), Stalin solved problems in a concrete and practical way, formulated by him in the sphere of history, politics and sociology. What is characteristic of modern researchers specializing in social disciplines, is the complete abstraction of formulating problems – if they do not directly examine separate countries, regions, events etc, and if they are in the captivity of empirical material, then they are not in a fit state to formulate common regularities, patterns and rules. Even when these researchers call themselves “continuers of Marxist methodology” the only thing that appears “Marxist” about them is their surface knowledge of Marxist tenets (quotations), for explaining these or those facts being observed. What set J.V. Stalin apart from others was that even when dealing with directly practical questions, he never broke away from the theoretical precepts “gone through by him” because of an extensive and deep analysis of all the history of the detailed process of revolutionary practice. This was the true Marxist attitude towards the objectiveness of truth and reality, because the “objectiveness of reality is not a question of theory, but question of revolutionary practice”. The main distinguishing feature of J.V. Stalin as a theorist and practician in areas of his activity was his revolutionary-mindedness. Without an understanding of this, it is impossible to define the greatness of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Ignoring the works of Stalin in the sphere of social thinking will inevitably lead to regression in social theory, and in the sphere of political activity lead to bloody outcomes. This becomes especially apparent when examining Stalin’s work on the national question. As a practician of revolutionary struggle, he clearly understood the significance of national policy, and as a theorist, he made a most complete fundamental investigation into the national question from the position of a materialist understanding of history using the dialectical method when analyzing social phenomena. This special quality of Stalin made him a master of proofs – if one proceeds on the basis of practice (the sole criterion of truth and reality); the proofs of Stalin may only be rejected from the position of selfish class interests and not from the viewpoint of truth and reality.1
After Stalin, enemies of Soviet power and communism could only ignore his investigations, but could not analysis and discover substantial definitions for an optimal and progressive continuation of research into the theory of national relations and attitudes.2
The theory of nations put forth by Stalin back in 1913 became a classic, but in the sphere of social thought, the classically flawless tenets are rejected on socio-political and selfish grounds. In the sphere of practice on the national question under J.V. Stalin, every 10-15 years corrections and updates were entered into the ethnos of each separate nation and people, for it was well known that with each moment in history, a community on the basis of language, culture, unity of economic systems and territories inevitably alters historically in all the directions of its special characteristics.
All outstanding politicians, according to the demands of reality, were masters – pragmatists, and without an evaluation of the real interrelations between social groups, it is impossible to achieve the desired result. Stalin was just that kind of pragmatist that distinguished him from other revolutionaries-romantics: as V.I. Lenin had still noted, the revolutionary Narodniks and early Mensheviks had suffered with this isolation from reality “with revolutionary romantism”. Political programmes can be implemented only within a framework of considering the interactions of all opposing forces – participators in historical events including openly reactionary ones. Such are the dialectics of history, and “we know only one science, and that is the science of history”. In the development of national relations, Stalin always warned of the impermissibility of running too far ahead: from the tribal-ethnical communality having still not been defined as a people, having found itself at the stage of only just forming historical self awareness, and with this, unable to separate historical prejudices from national character (portrayed in the unity of culture), up to the forming of a nation, a socialist nation, according to his instructions there exists a lengthy epoch – an epoch of three – four generations. This particularly related to the Crimean Tatars, the Tatars of the Lower Volga Regions, and the townspeople of the Caucasus, the Kazakhs, Kirgiz people and others.
As an “infantile disorder” of the process of forming peoples, which can turn out fatal in national relations, there first appears uncontrolled nationalism, naïve in form, that is – “ours” and “not ours”, anti-proletarian according to Stalin and reactionary in content. Support for the national liberation movement assumes, first of all, the suppression of the reactionary sides of national self awareness (“any nationalism in the epoch of imperialism is reactionary”); secondly, it is necessary in any way possible, to support international forces, educate them in the spirit of proletarian revolutionary patriotism and internationalism. It was namely on these questions that J.V. Stalin had always been in dispute with pseudotheorists of the national question: Pyatakov, Bukharin, Trotsky. Unfortunately, in the mass study of the history of the CPSU, it is namely this dispute that as a rule, was hushed up (especially in the past 45-50 years), allegedly to “prevent the spreading of the views of these pseudotheorists”, but in actual fact, to make Stalin’s theses and deductions that were relevant to concrete national policy in the sphere of national culture – “national in form, socialist in content”- abstractly empty.
May the reader be reminded that J.V. Stalin was guided in the theory of nations by the thesis on the “historical community” according to language, territory and national character being reflected in a community of culture, and in the community of economic life (unity of social-economic systems in the sharing of the “national market”). V.I. Lenin adopted the Stalinist formula of nations and the national question, and when answering the Black Hundreds, indicated the dual nature of national culture: “reactionary culture” and “democratic culture”, but V.I. Lenin believed to be possible, the creation of a new international community within the framework of a new kind of federalism. This point of view triumphed in 1922 in connection with concrete historical conditions: the activity of the III International; the necessity of unity of Soviet power and the national aspirations of the peoples of the East; the revolutionary situation (unrealized by the European proletariat) in the majority of Western European countries.3 The Soviet type of federalism demonstrated its vitality only in unity with the Stalin national policy. The rejection of the Stalin national policy by the opportunist leadership of the CPSU led, together with a whole list of treacherous acts on the part of “national” leaders of the CPSU in all the republics of the Soviet Union, towards national betrayal first of all, of the Soviet people as the highest social and legal subject of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to the betrayal of the communist ideals and rights of Man, recognized by the whole cultural world of the XX century.4 It is completely natural that in almost every Union republic, by the process of betraying socialism and acts of state treachery, former leaders of the republican communist parties were nominated for this purpose.
J.V. Stalin was constantly aware that in the absence of territorial unity, we possess no “national character” or tribal relations. Stalin’s pupil and comrade-in-arms A.A. Zhdanov in 1939 made a sufficiently comprehensive criticism of the “practical solution to the national question”, when national belonging was defined according to the principle of “descent”, “blood-tribal criterion”. Although the criticism was clear-cut and well defined, the practical question on national belonging continued to be decided at the class-four education level of heads of passport offices in the departments of the militia, or of inspectors of register offices (ZAGS). Ethno cultural and ethno confessional attitudes affecting every Soviet citizen at an everyday level, could have been solved without an especially bloody approach, had the complexity of the “Soviet way of life” been preserved in its valued- moral content, but we were witnesses to the destruction of this set of social arrangements, starting from the “results of the XX Congress of the CPSU”. The generation of people in the 1960-s on the question of solving national relations went off in two directions: bourgeois cosmopolitan (a set of abstract “values common to all Mankind”, very often associated and close to religious obscurantism, right up to middle-age mysticism) and, openly nationalist, restorative under the guise of national bourgeois-feudal traditions and prejudices. Every Soviet citizen has experienced the destructiveness of these two trends, although they have been contrived to develop within wide “communist propaganda”. The standard formula that inside the USSR the “national question, as defined by the classics of Marxism, had been solved,” together with its own categoricalness suffered out of stupidity, as the final solution to the national question is possible only then, when the culture of all the peoples of the world integrates into a single, unified culture common to all Mankind. J.V. Stalin spoke about this back in 1928. The question concerning who is the “classic of Marxism” is not a question of theory, but a practical question. The classic research into the national question, the Stalin legacy is an achievement of all Mankind. We shall not dwell especially on the problems of “national socialism”, “national communism” and other “true socialisms”, the theoretical criticism of which was given by K. Marx and F. Engels, and the practical criticism, which was given by the people of the world in their struggle against fascism, Nazism and other ideologies and practices of the most reactionary defenders of capitalism of the XX century. We shall only point out that attempts to avoid the formulation of the national question in the USSR appeared especially in 1987-1989 in the USSR (this, on the eve of the “national dismantling” of the communo-criminal structures in almost all the republics of the Union), when educational subjects devoted to the national question were dropped from the list of compulsory subjects in party education. The case of a future investigation and judicial examination is to determine who was personally interested in bringing about that situation.
Who then defines the national question at this point in history? The national question has four main directions of definition:
1. It remains the main component in the common solution to the development in the direction of social equality. The true realization of absolute rights of Mankind (human rights) over the whole territory of the country (the right to life, the right to education for the future generation, the right to creative labour, the right to knowledge accumulated by Mankind, the right to an information guarantee for existence and coexistence of each person within a unified language environment), is the criterion for a solution to this problem. These rights are absolute since they are valid in any social environment, but are not being realized anywhere.
2. Solving the problem of social equality between people and the process for guaranteeing implementation after its solution, may be realized only on the basis of unified and indivisible public, social ownership over the system of social saving funds for all the means of providing absolute human rights for every citizen.
3. The formulation of the defence and realization of common ownership is possible only by way of a revolutionary (that is, a constantly historically changing, depending on the stage of development of objective conditions for providing social equality in the framework of guarantees of absolute human rights) government structure, permanently accountable to all members of society.
4. The providing of a complete an all-embracing integration of cultural achievements of all the peoples of the world, with the providing of conditions for each citizen to use this information-subject fund of social existence in accessible language form. It is obvious and clear that programmes of “cultural-national” autonomies under this, which J.V. Stalin struggled against all the time, are rejected for what they are – for there is no place for national isolationism.
Conclusion: from the Stalin formula – “national in form, socialist in content” – Mankind’s culture should be transformed into the formula – “national language in form, unified communistically and international in content culture of all Mankind”. All material, social and material-production conditions for all humanity will become unified, national-language forms of life, and cultures are preserved while people of separate national-ethnic belonging exist.
The correctness of the national question regarding separate ethnic communities is decided starting from common directions of determining national problems.
As an example, it is possible to examine the “problem of the Caucasus” or the “Chechen problem”. Events in the Caucasus have shown that in historical development, a section of mountain people have not departed from the boundary of tribal attitudes, their definition and self-determination go against the rights of other peoples and representatives of people of other nationalities. On the territory of Chechnya up to “perestroika”, and actually up to the counter-revolutionary process and expansionism of international capital with the assistance of the compradors on the territory of the USSR, there lived about two million inhabitants. 450 thousand of them were Chechens. The crime of “genocide” was carried out against the non-Chechen population. And here primordially, is how the “national problem” stood, not even talking about the deportations in the 1940-50-s of the XX century, which concerned all peoples (ethnic groups) who brought about genocide in relation to the majority of representatives of other communities: the “Sudetan Germans”, Gdansk Germans”, Pomeranian Germans, Baltic Germans, Japanese in the USA etc. The experience of the Second World War made it obligatory for each ethnos to answer as a community for their own leading representatives. The provision of absolute human rights for every person is the criterion of responsibility. According to the expression of one of the Chechens in 1994: “Stalin deported us, but did not kill us”. The “defenders”, “lawyers” of the “repressed peoples of the USSR” make it the aim to destroy these peoples (so that there would be no “questions raised about them”). The responsibility of a nation for their own representatives is determined by the peoples of the world as a right to separate statehood. Humanity has sacrificed more than 100 million lives in the XX century for the sake of this principle; J.V. Stalin stood for this principle in 1946 at a meeting with a Finnish state delegation. Such is the practical aspect of the modern-day national question.

1. Stalin’s formulas entered into the mass conscience of the Soviet people and were made into aphorisms, proverbs, and sayings – mass stereotypes of social awareness.

2. The “unmaskers” of J.V. Stalin love referring to the “incompletion” of his education. If one approaches this objectively then: firstly, Stalin actually finished studying the whole coarse at the only institute of higher learning in Georgia (except the sitting of the final exam, which was not due to “poor progress”), secondly, objectively by 1903, he was one of the popular and erudite propagandists of Marxism in Georgia, and by 1914, his works were at the level demanded by modern candidate-dissertations. By 1918, J.V. Stalin had become one of the leading specialists-Marxists in the world on the national question. By 1924, Stalin’s political professionalism and quality as a scientist are reflected in his theoretical works.

3. V.I. Lenin believed that with the triumph of socialism in the countries of Western Europe, leadership in the world revolutionary process towards socialism would cross over to them.

4. The first legal relations of guarantees of human rights were portrayed in right – in the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 (The Stalin Constitution, by definition of the Soviet people). The USSR was the only power that recognized in 1975, the norms of the World Declaration of Human Rights



T.V. Komissarova , AUCPB (All-Union Communist Party of Bolshevik s)

The very first time I saw J.V. Stalin was on the 1st May 1950 when I, a student at the Institute of Foreign Languages, was taking part in the athletics sporting society “Nauka” (Science) parade. The demonstration of the working people had begun. It was a wonderful sunny morning, music thundered out and the mood was uplifting. I was marching in the first right-hand flank column of demonstrators. When we began approaching Red Square, flowing around from the two sides of the Historical Museum, then along the columns of those marching ahead of us athletes we heard a wave of cries: “Stalin! Stalin!” By now, we had already understood that Comrade Stalin was standing on the tribune of the Mausoleum. And at that moment, a remarkable feeling of joy, delight and unity with all those on Red Square enveloped me. I heard only the rhythm of the march and the excited shouts of the marchers also reciting toasts, and then, I saw Him. He was standing, wearing a white military jacket and smiling, greeting with a raised hand the young people passing the mausoleum. It was then, while passing over the bar-shaped stones of Red Square that I experienced this remarkable feeling of unity of the Soviet people. I recalled Mayakovsky’s words: “…a great feeling in the name of class!” It is namely this feeling that I experienced on that day. And now, nearing the end of my life, I can say that this was the happiest day of my life.
And afterwards came the bitterest day: March 1953. All life and being, protested against the ending of the leader’s life; it seemed as if the ground was crumbling beneath my feet. And one single thought was worrying me: “How are we going to manage without him?” I was not able to pass through Kolonny Hall to bid farewell to him. And afterwards, when Red Square was open, thousands of people arrived and stood silently in front of the Mausoleum. I will never forget the silence and the eyes fixed on the new name on the Mausoleum. So much bitterness and anguish.
The second time I saw Stalin was when he was by now inside the Mausoleum.
Afterwards, began the Khrushchev period. The radio never stopped: “the personality cult, the personality cult…!” I immediately hung a portrait of Stalin on the wall at home. One day, my young son asked me: “Mummy, what do they mean by the Stalin personality cult?” I replied: “Son, you are still very young and there is much you still not understand. When you grow up, you will be able to work it all out yourself. Remember one thing though: the people loved him, they sacrificed themselves and gave their lives in his name, went into battle and triumphed over their enemies!”
The years passed. I supervised a scientific library in one of the Scientific Research Institutes in Moscow District. In 1970, we decided to celebrate the 100th Year since the birth of V.I. Lenin and “From Moscow to Berlin”, by setting up two exhibitions. I would like to tell you in more detail about the second one. It was made up of two sections: photo documents from the funds of the Soviet Army and authentic placards from the times of the Great Patriotic War from the funds of the Museum of the Revolution. One hundred photographs reflecting the whole period of the Patriotic War occupied the whole wall of the hall.
The exhibits opened with a leaflet with the speech by Comrade Stalin on the 3rd July 1941 and a photograph of him standing on the tribune of the Mausoleum during the military parade of the 7th November in the same year. A separate stand was devoted to each year of the war. The exhibits ended with a photograph of the Potsdam Conference, where behind a covered table sat the heads of three states, and with the words of V.I. Lenin: “A people will never be beaten where the workers and peasants in their majority recognized, felt and saw that they were fighting for their own Soviet power – power of the working people, that they were fighting for that cause, victory from which their children would be provided with the opportunity to make use of all the best things in culture and all the makings of human labour”.
The exhibition was a big success not only for us in the SRI but also in the sponsored Sovkhoz (state farm) where we later exhibited it.
Each year on Victory Day, and on Stalin’s Birthday, the 21st December, I take flowers to his grave, tied with special ribbon. And my flowers are never the first to ones arrive because there are always flowers, which have already been placed there before mine, and each year, the number of flowers being place is increasing.
When the film “Osvobozhdenie” (Liberation) appeared on the screens, from which I got to hear that J.V. Stalin’s son Yakov was imprisoned inside the German concentration camp “Sachsenhausen”, I swore that if at any time I was in Germany, I would take some flowers there.
And in June 1979 the unlikely occurred – my official work trip to the GDR (German Democratic Republic).
We crossed the state border at dawn on the 14th June. The train was traveling very slowly. It was a misty morning and the first birds were starting to sing their songs. We did not sleep. Instead, we stood by the window and with excitement peered into the early morning stillness. It was that same kind of silence that was broken by the salvo of guns on the 22nd June 1941.
I knew that Sachsenhausen was located 30 km north of Berlin not far from Oranienburg railway station when I was still in Moscow. And here I was, approaching Oranienburg. A large signpost pointed to the right, towards Sachsenhausen. I walked through the quiet German town under a canopy of huge maple trees. At a crossroads, stood a small sign with the words: “Here began the death march”. When our troops began to approach these areas, the Germans, afraid of retribution for their actions, started covering up their traces. Columns of prisoners were deported from the camp under guard in the direction of the Baltic Sea coastline, where they would be loaded onto barges and then drowned at sea. Many of them did not even make it to the coast because they had been shot on the way there. Those who did get there were saved by our tankists, having forced their way through to the coast of the Baltic Sea.
And here I was, at Sachsenhausen. In all, only a few tens of metres away from the houses of the town’s residents and surrounded by a three metre high concrete wall, with barbed wire running along the top of it, behind which run a high-voltage electric wire and behind that, barbed wire rolled into three spiral layers and standing only a few metres away from the watchtowers with their searchlights. This camp was one of the first of its kind and Himmler himself visited it in 1936 to see the opening of it. This was to be the model for all the camps. Sachsenhausen shook me… Not by its size for it was comparatively small compared to Auschwitz. No, what shook me was the well thought out refinement in the methods of taunting and mockery to which the political prisoners were subjected. Nearby stood the headquarters of the SD (security service), and the most refined and barbarous methods were tested on the prisoners in order to break them both morally and physically.
So, inside the camp there was a block where medical experiments were carried out on living and healthy people. For example, a healthy person would have his leg cut open, where afterwards straw and rubbish would be stuffed into the wound and then the leg sewn up again. And after that, when gangrene had set in, they would treat it with medicines and other preparations, which were previously untested. And one has to say that inside this block, everything had been decorated in Dutch tile where glass cabinets stood together with their instruments. Everything was clean and tidy, completely “German”, as they say. The fascists really loved “cleanliness”. They even killed “cleanly” and “neatly”. Before a prisoner was sent to a gas chamber or executed by firing squad, he would be examined by a “doctor” in a very clean room, where on the wall would hang a sign saying: “Cleanliness prevails in here”!!! Or another example; around the “appelplatz” (the square where roll calls took place each day) a path was laid, which was three metres wide and covered with a variety of surface materials (sand, slag, crushed stone and large stones). A certain German firm had chosen this path to conduct a test on the soles of the soldiers’ boots that they were producing, in order to determine the amount of wear and tear would take place on these boots. The prisoners were made to put on a pair of these boots, which were two sizes too small for them, and then a sack of sand would be hoisted onto their backs. They were then forced to walk along this path for hours on end… A hundred thousand prisoners were murdered and tortured at Sachsenhausen, twenty thousand of whom were Soviet prisoners of war.
On the territory of the camp there was a prison “zellenbau” (cell-block) with single cells. This was the “secret” prison that not even those working for the SS knew which prisoners were being held there. Yakov Dzhugashvili, the son of J.V. Stalin was imprisoned in one such cell. By the entrance door can be seen the words: “A special political prisoner of the Gestapo was held here”. It was a small cell, 3x2 metres in size with a trestle bed, small table and stool and a small window so high up that only a tiny bit of sky could be seen. Behind the thick metal door with its peephole, there stood another door made of thick iron bars.
I placed a bunch of flowers, red carnations tied with special ribbon at the entrance to his cell… I had thereby fulfilled by promise.
I took a few stones with me out of Sachsenhausen: a piece of slag from the path where the prisoners were forced to walk around, and two stones, one from the area where prisoners had been hanged by their hands on a hook, and the other from under the window cill of Yakov Dzhugashvili’s cell. I kept these stones for more than a decade, so that afterwards I could give them to somebody who was closest to Yakov Iosevovich Dzhugashvili.
And at one of the wreath-laying occasions at the grave of J.V. Stalin, comrades announced the presence of his grandson Yevgeny Yakovlevich Dzhugashvili. I saw him, approached him, introduced myself and told him about my visit to Sachsenhausen. But I could only give him the stones and booklet about Sachsenhausen the next time we laid wreaths and flower at the grave of J.V. Stalin. It was then that I gave these stones to his grandson Yevgeny Yakovlevich Dzhugashvili at the grave of J.V. Stalin.


V.K. Popov, Doctor of Historical Science
On the eve of the Second World War the Soviet government, on the initiative of J.V. Stalin, carried out a policy directed towards the preservation of peace and providing assistance to victims of aggression.
In the period from 1936 – 1939 the USSR helped republican Spain in its struggle against the rebellious Franco and fascist Germany and Italy, which had sided with him.
In 1937 militarist Japan attacked China. The USSR provided China with various kinds of assistance and sent its own volunteer fighter pilots who bravely defended the skies over China against Japanese air pirates.
In 1938 the USSR branded the Munchen Agreements as a disgrace, as they threw Czechoslovakia under the jackboots of fascist Germany.
In 1939 Soviet troops provided assistance to friendly Mongolia in repelling Japanese aggression against that country. Under the command of General G.K. Zhukov, the Red Army crushed the Japanese troops.
In that same year on Germany’s proposal, the USSR signed a non-aggression pact with this country. As time had shown, this treaty, having summoned a storm of indignation in the West, answered the interests of the USSR. It allowed the USSR to delay the start of the war by almost two years and to return to our country a number of territories of the Russian Empire, which were torn away from it in the first years of Soviet power (Western Ukraine, Western Byelorussia, the Baltic states and Bessarabia).
The USSR was not to blame for the Hitlerite high echelons recklessly violating that pact with our country and the start of the wide scale aggression by the German troops against the Soviet state.
From the very first days of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin was at the head of the struggle of the Soviet people against German fascist aggression. He became the Chairman of the State Committee for Defence (GKO) and Supreme Chief Commanding of the Red Army. All foreign policy ties were also in his hands, although formally V.M. Molotov was the Peoples Commissar of Foreign Affairs.
One of the most important tasks of Soviet diplomacy in the war years was the forming of an anti-Hitler coalition and the opening up of a second front in Europe. Stalin played a superb role in this affair. Already by 1941 he had put this question forward in his message to Prime Minister W. Churchill.
"It seems to me – he wrote on the 8th July - that the military situation in the Soviet Union as well as in Great Britain would be significantly improved if a second front was formed against Hitler in the West (in Northern France) and in the North (in the Arctic)".
In two weeks Stalin met with the personal representative of the US president, Garry Hopkins, who declared on the orders of F. Roosevelt: "….whoever fights against Hitler is on the right side in this conflict, and we intend to provide assistance to this side".
During Molotov’s trip to Britain and the US in May-June 1942, the question about opening a second front dominated negotiations with Churchill and Roosevelt.
However, agreeing in words on the question about the necessity of opening up a second front, the allies refused the take on any concrete obligations themselves. This note sounded out in the flow of the negotiations between Stalin and Churchill in August 1942 in Moscow. After, the Chairman of the GKO sent a memorandum to the Prime Minister of Great Britain in which, in particular it stated: "The refusal by the government of Great Britain to form a second front in 1942 in Europe is inflicting a moral blow against the whole of Soviet society.., complicates the situation of the Red Army on the front and is inflicting harm on the plans of the Soviet Command. We believe therefore, that in 1942 it is possible and necessary to create a second front in Europe. But England and the United States have again avoided taking on any direct obligations" .
The question concerning the second front occupied the centre of Stalin’s attention right up to almost the end of 1943. It is true that later on he did not take it to the extremes like it was for example, in the responses and answers to American correspondent Cassidy in October 1942.
The correspondent in written form asked about what place the possibility of a second front occupied in the Soviet evaluation of the current situation at that time.
The answer: "A very important, one may even say, paramount place".
"How effective is allied assistance to the Soviet Union?"
The answer: "Compared to the assistance that the Soviet Union is providing the allies with, by taking the full brunt of the main forces of the German fascist troops, the allied assistance to the Soviet Union still has little effect in the meantime".
However, the second front was neither opened in 1942 nor in 1943. This was due there being influential circles in the United States and Britain who were interested in weakening the USSR during the war. It was only at the Teheran Conference in November 1943 where the leaders of the three allied powers had met, that the question on the second front was decided. The US and Britain took the decision to land their troops in Normandy (France) in May 1944. Actually, the second front ("Operation Overlord") was opened on 6th June 1944. By this time the West had understood that the attacking Soviet troops could liberate the whole of Europe from the Hitlerite occupation, using its own forces.
At the end of the war two more conferences of the leaders of the three allied powers were held: The Crimean conference (February 1945) and the Berlin conferences (July - August 1945), which solved the most important questions on ending the Second World War and the post-war political structure. Stalin played a decisive role at these conferences, which was connected to the decisive victories of the Red Army. Stalin gained enormous international authority. Churchill admitted to having together with G. Truman (Truman replaced the by now deceased Roosevelt) stood up when Stalin entered the hall. Despite this, the Western leaders had a "surprise" in store for Stalin – an atom bomb, with which they were now going to use to blackmail the USSR.
During the war against Germany, the Red Army liberated a number of European countries occupied by the fascist regime. These were: Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Denmark partially and Norway. Stalin paid special attention to the future of these countries. Earlier, they had been developing along capitalist lines, but after the liberation under the leadership of communist and workers parties they crossed over onto the peoples -democratic road in alliance with the USSR. This was a complicated turning point in the destiny of the people. Not even all the leaders of the communist parties (Tito, later on Nagy, Dubcek) understood the necessity of this.
Despite enormous difficulties the USSR led these countries towards socialism, transferred over to them its wealth of experience and defended them from NATO aggression.
On Stalin’s initiative, the CMEA (Council of Economic Mutual Assistance) and the Warsaw Pact were formed, which provided for the economic and military - political development of these countries.
In 1949, thanks to Stalin’s colossal energy, the atomic weapon appeared in the USSR and the country was finally transformed into a "superpower" , at the same time defending the cause for peace and socialism.
The triumph of the people’s revolution in China and the forming of the Peoples Republic of China was a remarkable post-war "concurrence" of democratic forces. This victory did not give the US any chance of strengthening itself in Asia (besides Japan and South Korea) and turn this region into a military base, directed against the USSR and China.
At the end of 1949 Mao Zedon visited Moscow to participate in the celebration of J.V. Stalin’s 70th Birthday. As a result of negotiations, a treaty was planned for signing between the USSR and China on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. The treaty was signed in February 1950. It transformed the friendship between the Soviet and Chinese peoples into a great force in the world, made the disruption of US aggression in the DPRK (Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) possible and defended the achievements of socialism in Asia.
Together with the successes of Soviet foreign policy in the years during which Stalin led the country, there were individual failures. For example, a question fell through concerning the occupation of the northern part of the Japanese island of Hokkaido at the end of the war, although there were four Soviet divisions allocated for this aim. Stalin cancelled this operation not wishing to aggravate relations with the US. But there was another point to this: Stalin feared the US nuclear weapon, which had only just been used against Japan. If the USSR had occupied part of Japan, the US would have found it harder to transform that country into its own main base in the Far East in order to use it for the suppression of the peoples-democratic forces in the countries of that huge Asiatic region.
Stalin’s attempt at "regaining the consciousness" of Tito, the leader of the Yugoslav communists failed, for the latter had crossed over onto the side of the imperialists and rejected the "Stalinist" model of socialism. Despite various attempts at applying the influence of the USSR, Tito refused to admit that the accusations presented to him were just.
None of this can erase the main thing: under Stalin, especially after the Great Patriotic War, the USSR had been transformed into a mighty power, which the whole world had to take into account. The US started the "cold war" against the USSR and repeatedly made attempts at scaring it with nuclear bombardment, but were compelled to retreat from this in fear of a retaliatory nuclear strike.
On the eve of the Second World War, the USSR had no allies on the international arena (except the Peoples Republic of Mongolia), but towards the end of Stalin’s life, the USSR headed the peoples – democratic camp, which spread over the territory of Europe and Asia. One may safely say that under Stalin the USSR occupied such international positions, which were unseen in Tsarist Russia. Here is why true patriots, supporters of Stalin will never ever forget his victories in foreign policy.
Today’s rulers of Russia have destroyed all of this; they have turned Russia into a beggar. The richest country in the world is rummaging around the globe in search of aid. This is a disgrace for Russia, which it must quickly escape from. But this can only be done under the banner of Stalin, under the banner of socialism. Emperor Peter I chopped out a "window into Europe" for Russia, and Generalissimo Stalin chopped out a "window into the Universe" for the USSR. In this you will find his greatest service to the Soviet people and to progressive Mankind.