In "Freedom Of Speech" ("2000” № 18-19 (509)), I saw a screaming headline of an article by Mr. Turchak entitled "Stalin - the most bloodthirsty dictator of the twentieth century”.
This opinion, I think is unscientific malicious slander. But, I think, you never know, maybe Turchak found in the archives irrefutable facts of the "criminal activity" of Stalin as a "bloody dictator"?
I read it. There are no facts in the article. All evidence by Turchak has gone in a single sentence: "According to the calculations of foreign historians (and these are scientists of world renown, and they can be trusted), as a result of Stalin's purges, famines, deportations and the liquidation of the kulaks, at least 20 million completely innocent people were killed." And the conclusion by Turchak: "This is a very good reason to dislike the leader and put him in the list of the bloodiest dictators of the twentieth century."
Good evidence! Needless to say! Who are these scientists of world renown? On the basis of what documents did they "calculate the number of "innocent victims"? Turchak modestly does not mention names. Who is it? Perhaps Solzhenitsyn, whose old Zeki, past Kolyma, Kraslag and the White Sea-Baltic Canal, after reading self-published version of "The Gulag Archipelago" that was called "a disgraceful bitch"? Or "historians" who have brought the numbers of deaths from starvation in 1932-33 up to astronomical proportions, and never stopped lying, opening photo exhibitions about the famine-genocide, while showing pictures of starving people in the Volga region in 1921 and starving unemployed refugees in the United States during the Great Depression, and added to the lists of victims of the Holodomor all those died of alcoholism or who was run over by a bull? Probably, these "historians" counted the number of victims of the "bloody tyrant Stalin?
Or maybe Dr. Goebbels, who tried to put the blame on Stalin for the Polish POWs murdered by the Nazis in Katyn in 1943?
In 1945, when the examination was carried out, the whole world recognized that the Poles were killed by Germans by their own weapons! This was confirmed by eyewitnesses of the events! However, every "popular intellectual" like Turchak, does not care!
The "popular intellectuals" are not interested in the opinion about Stalin by the sworn enemies of him, Churchill, Roosevelt, and that same Hitler. The opinion of marshals and designers who forged Victory, (the wonderful article by S. Lozunko "Stalin deserved a monument ...") - also does not interest Turchak. There is a team of people in power that must sling mud at Stalin, and the "popular intellectuals" – are right there to do just that! If they order Joseph Vissarionovich to sing an ode, again the "people's intellectuals" will be ahead of the rest. And the first ones will start yelling: "Death to the enemies of the people"! And if the situation changes, they will cry out: "Stalin is a bloody tyrant!"
The whole world recognized that the conspiracy of the High Command of the Red Army in the 30's against the Soviet power was not a fantasy of Stalin or Beria, but a brutal reality of that troubled time.
The whole world watched the open trial of the Bukharin-Trotskyist scoundrels. The whole world recognized that the fifth column of imperialism in the Soviet Union was, and before the war eliminated! What, they were all innocent victims?
After sweeping accusations of Stalin of bloodthirstyness, Turchak in his article begins to contradict himself. It turns out that when the "bloodthirsty tyrant was in power" there were 4-5 children to a family and a constant increase in the size of the population!
And vodka under Stalin was drank less! Why is this so?
Turchak still forgot to say that it was under Stalin, that industry was built, which is now exploited by all sorts of Lakshmi, Mittals and Akhmetovs gangsters. The "people's intellectual" forgot to mention how Stalin had took on the country armed with a plough and left it with a nuclear weapon!
Turchak hid the fact that such ardent and militant enthusiasm of the people after Stalin died was gone. And people began to drink more after the death of the leader, and already by the late 50's, the consumption of alcohol per capita had increased dramatically!
For Turchak, the leader of the Cadets, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Provisional Government, ardent anti-Bolshevik Miliukov is probably not of authority, he was not a "foreign historian"! Here is what wrote Miliukov of Stalin's Soviet Union: "The people there had changed, people have become much more developed, more intelligent. Soviet power for them is everything. It turned them into people, and they do not want anything else. A Soviet citizen is proud of his or her affiliation with the Bolshevik state. The great victory of the Red Army compels us to revise our previous attitude to the new Russia."
Turchak wrote that he "did not understand the connection between the reduction of the Ukrainian population during independence period and the Stalinist repressions. Let me explain.
Under Stalin, there was no reduction of the population! All of these "20 million innocent victims" is a lie. And now there is a reduction! At a rate of a minimum of 400 thousand people each year! There are many reasons for the population decline. And all these reasons for the genocide of the people have been created by capitalism and those who serve it!
The impossibility of enough money to fully cure oneself. Medicine and healthcare is something we now have to pay for! People are slowly dying because they have no money to have an operation, or to buy medicine, or pay for the hospital stay. How many are there of these people? Are there statistics? And the authorities say it is "natural population decline!
The impossibility of eating properly! Prices for meat, milk, eggs, vegetables - the backbone of human health – are beyond the clouds. However, all products of low quality are filled with chemical and biological additives.
The impossibility of paying tuition fees in universities. Education today, too, is not cheap! As a consequence - the inability to choose a specialty for the soul, and it is often impossible to choose any specialty at all. Next - unemployment, a humiliated state, living in constant stress, depression. The result - mental disorders, criminality, alcoholism, drug addiction, degradation ...
Was there any of that under "the bloody Stalin" Turchak?
In those days, medicine and education were free, with a reduced price for everything, and people were well nourished. And if there were hungry years caused by objective reasons, the people knew and then always found that this was only temporary, because they continued with dedication to build a future. People believed in the future without fear of bearing children. And they were willing to die for the future. That was the true passion of Soviet people. A nation becomes passionate when it consciously moves towards an established, long-term, dignified, selfless purpose. And for that, they are ready to die.
Therefore, they were proud of their country and selflessly died at the front, built and knew that this success was not only of Stalin, but of all the people!
And then something happened, something that A. Dulles had been dreaming of. Our true values were suddenly replaced by false ones, and we were forced to believe in them.
And for many, the purpose of life meant having a lot of sausage in the shops, crystal in the cabinet and tranquility. The passion had vanished, and it was replaced by drunk, bitter middle class values.
There were exceptions, but the trend was troubling. If we add to this the work of American intelligence, the betrayal by the top echelons of the CPSU, it is only natural that we come eventually to the restoration of capitalism, with all the nightmares that stem from this.
V. Bushin, a prominent journalist spoke very well of this when he said: "The more time goes by, the more visible becomes the majestic figure of Stalin. Ironically, the Democrats by their actions have justified Stalin in everything. Absolutely everything. So one could assume that it would be have been better to have a softer policy, and would have been better not to have made such drastic steps. One look at the actions of Democrats, and you see that Stalin was right."
In the twenty-first century, the world capitalist system went into its deepest crisis in its history. The current situation can not even been compared to the Great Depression of the late 1920-s - early 1930-s. Now we are witnessing not only a crisis of overproduction, but also a systemic ruling crisis. In other words, the system has ceased to be controllable. The market and private property have shown their complete failure in the era of global expansion of capitalism. Everything is just as the classics as prescribed: the social nature of production has entered into fierce conflict with the private appropriation of the results of this production. Hence the poverty of entire continents, famine, war, etc. Billions of people have been made redundant in this system, and its very existence is under threat. And the system takes steps to remedy the situation ... by the planned destruction of these "extras" under the guise of natural de-population!
We have all been deliberately, using commodity-money relations, deprived of money, deprived of healthcare, quality and nourishing food, drinking water and education, both through advertising and instilling alcohol and tobacco. They invent in laboratories new types of diseases (bird flu, swine flu, etc.), invent non-existent diseases (AIDS), and then organize hysteria all over the world, transforming the "superfluous" into paranoids who think of only one thing - not to get sick and die. They construct new kinds of drugs and distribute them, slowly killing the people and thus earning huge money.
And all those who are deliberately doing this, who are running this process and directing the genocide, hysterically curse Stalin. By inventing his "bloody crimes," they are hiding their own heinous crimes globally.
Next, Turchak thoughtfully argues that we need "a modern leftist party of a European type, free from leaderism", etc. By the way, every day we hear: "the leader of the Party of the Regions", "the leader of BYT” (Timoshenko), "the leader of the "Freedom" party, "the leader of the country "... Look Turchak, in the Anglo-Russian dictionary, and you will see how the word "leader ", translated into Russian and, hopefully, will no longer talk nonsense about "freedom from leaderism”.
Well, the main thing is Turchak defined: "a decent standard of living of the working people under capitalism."
Now everything is clear. Turchak is not a "popular intellectual", as he calls himself. He is just a servant of capitalism, begging for crumbs from the master's table!
Turchak hides from the people that under capitalism, the working people can never live with dignity! In order for the countries of the "golden billion", to feel more or less well fed, it is necessary for 3 billion people of the world to starve and the rest suffer from malnutrition! Moreover, as shown by disturbances in Greece, Italy, Germany, France, in the "golden billion" things are not looking so good!
Stalin before his death said: We need a theory! Without theory, we die! At the time, Stalin still could not see the new base of this theory. And now this base is in every house. I'm talking about the computerization of the world. No, and not stupid computer games, or porn sites ...
After the revolution in science and technology, i.e. with the development of productive forces, industrial relations must inevitably change.
The world is rapidly being cybernetisized. Many production processes are automated. Robots have become a reality, as if disappearing from the pages of science fiction books and coming to life. Nobody doubts that there has been a scientific and technological revolution. But the production relations have remained essentially such as they were in the days of steam engines. Salaried workers, the principle of private appropriation of labor, the wild pursuit of profit, the excitement through advertising and of rampant consumerism, credit and money-grubbing among the mass of the planet's population, the exploitation of nature and people, including slavery! The monstrous growth of production for profit has raised the question of depletion of natural energy resources on the planet. It had already been calculated that in order for the whole population of the planet to consume as much as U.S. citizens, we would need another planet with the same energy resources. In addition, with this level of consumption by all mankind, the planet in a very short period of time would just suffocate in a haze. I.e. the level of consumption should be driven into a reasonable framework and a fair distribution of the total labor started. The vicious practice, when some eat enough for three people, suffer from obesity and throw half the products into the garbage, while most others go hungry - must stop. Under capitalism, this is impossible.
Another danger faced by humanity is connected, strangely enough, with the scientific-technological revolution – and the result of it.
Let's imagine that the majority of industries in the world are automated and robotic. Technically this is possible now. Huge masses of workers will be thrown into the street. They simply will not be needed in the production process. No private owner will feed them. This phenomenon is fundamentally worse than any of the unemployment generated by recession. Recession is followed by boom, and yesterday the unemployed return to work. By replacing people with robots - people will never be needed!
Slums will be filled and grow in size. And if the "surplus" people in the countries of the “golden billion" somehow keep afloat, the position of the peoples of the capitalist periphery will be disastrous. This is the economic aspect of scientific and technological progress. But there is also the psychological aspect. A person without creative work quickly degrades. Unemployed people suffer more from the inability to apply their knowledge and skills. And this leads to mental disorders with often irreversible consequences.
And there is only one way out of this situation - socialism. But this is not a return to socialism of the Brezhnev era. Humanity must move to a new, scientific-technical model:
1) The nationalization of all businesses and industries. In the country should be made and be available all that is necessary for a normal life. We have the technical and scientific basis for that.
All available resources through government programs are transformed not into profits of billionaires, but go towards the automation and robotization of all industries.
The problem of "surplus" workers can be solved only by reducing the working day of every worker to 2-4 hours per day. One process during the working day will carried out by several people. We must forever eradicate the inescapable monotony and weariness of it, its professional deformation, etc. All these measures will sharply boost productivity.
In their spare time, people will study, practice art and sports. Creativity and healthy lifestyles will be promoted and cultivated, and any tendency towards degradation and parasitism suppressed.
2) The whole industry of the country must unite into a computer network of automatic control systems for production, planning and distribution.
A powerful central computer must in real-time, process information, which will constantly flow into it: how much and what is produced, how much to produce, how much natural resources are extracted and used, population size, trends in its population and consumption levels, the weather and its forecast - and much more that necessary for the normal process of production and society as a whole.
Today, technology allows everyone with a personal computer and mobile phone to log onto ACS and download to a central computer, data based on region. What is in the shops, what need delivering, suggestions and proposals on other issues, etc. All this information will be processed in real time, adjusting production and distribution.
The introduction of the automated computer analysis of supply and demand, the first time in human history, will make it possible to systematically reject the market! And this will be the first time commodity-money relations will be eliminated - this monster, the cancer of humanity. From relations that push people into crime and war, turning them into greedy, crazed consumers of advertising, products, each other and nature.
Such a system of management and planning had been developed by outstanding cybernetics scientist - Glushkov in the mid 1960-s But then, scientists encountered technical difficulties –computors were not so powerful. But in the leadership of the USSR the line of "marketeers"won. "Kosygin’s reform", was implemented and in the country instead of a breakthrough into the future, commodity-money relations and categories mossy capitalist "profit" and "cost accounting" were mothballed. All this eventually led to the restoration of capitalism in 1991.
Now only the blind can not see that the representative bourgeois democracy is outdated, corrupt and demoralized.
The world has arrived at a threshold when: either a revolution will be carried out in all aspects of public life from government to the economy, or humanity will be thrown into chaos and barbarism which will destroy itself along with it habitat environment.
So, "people's intellectual" Turchak need not be anxious for anything. There is a party with a specific program, a purpose, a dream, for which it makes sense to fight.
But the preservation of capitalism - is a dead end for humanity.
From the Editor: We fully agree with the author's claim that capitalism has broughts mankind to a standstill, the outcome of which can only be a the proletarian revolution and the building of a classless communist society. Work in this society will become a vital necessity for man, as food, water, air. As underlined by the classics, only with communism begins the real history of mankind. Outstanding Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky stated that the Earth is the cradle of humanity. It is from communism that begins the mastering by mankind of the solar system, and then other star systems. In this direction, so far only the first steps have been taken. And the path into Space was continued by the world’s first country of socialism – the USSR. Therefore, the free time of every person will be occupied with intense creative labour, devoted to the modernisation and self-improvement of the individual. This is the aim towards which is directed the activity of our party, the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks - AUCPB
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
For Bolshevism-AUCPB
Abstracts from lectures by Stalin “ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF LENINISM"(Works, vol.6)
"... By whom and where has it been proven that the parliamentary form of struggle is the main form of struggle of the proletariat? Does not the history of the revolutionary movement show that the parliamentary struggle is only a school and help to organize the outside-parliamentary struggle of the proletariat, that the main issues of the labour movement under capitalism are solved by force, by the direct struggle of the proletarian masses, their general strike, their revolt? "
"The dictatorship of the proletariat can not arise as a result of the peaceful development of bourgeois society and bourgeois democracy - it can only arise as a result of breaking the bourgeois state machine, the bourgeois army, the bourgeois bureaucracy, bourgeois politics."
“The deadly sin of the II International was not that it overestimated the importance of these forms (parliamentary forms of struggle - editor.), considering them almost the only forms, but when the period came for open revolutionary struggles and the question of outside-parliamentary forms of struggle became primary, the parties of the II International turned away from these new challenges and did not adopt them."
"For the reformist, the reform is everything - revolutionary work is not so important, it’s for conversation, a diversion. Therefore, the reform in the reformist tactics in the conditions of bourgeois rule inevitably becomes an instrument of strengthening that authority and into an instrument of contraction of the revolution. For the revolutionary though, on the contrary, the main thing is revolutionary work, and not reform – for him, reforms are a by-product of revolution. Therefore, the reform with revolutionary tactics in the conditions of bourgeois rule, of course, becomes an instrument of break-up of this power and an instrument for strengthening the revolution, a base for further development of the revolutionary movement.
The revolutionary accepts a reform in order to use it as an aid in combining legal and illegal work, in order to use it as a cover for illegal work for the revolutionary preparation of the masses for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie.
This is the essence of revolutionary use of reforms and agreements in the conditions of imperialism.
The reformist, on the contrary, will accept reforms in order to renounce all illegal work and to undermine the work of preparing the masses for revolution under the cover (bestowed) of reform. This is the essence of reformist tactics."
"Defending the II International against attacks, Kautsky says that the parties of the II International are an instrument of peace rather than war and that is why they were not able to do anything serious in the war, in the period of revolutionary actions by the proletariat. That is quite true. But what does this mean? This means that the parties of the II International were unfit for the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat, that they are not militant parties of the proletariat leading the workers to power, but an election machine adapted for parliamentary elections and the parliamentary struggle. Actually, this explains the fact that during the dominance of opportunists in the II International, the main political organization of the proletariat was not a party, but a parliamentary faction.”
"To think that new tasks can be performed by the forces of the old social-democratic parties brought up in the peaceful environment of parliamentarism – means to condemn oneself to hopeless despair and inevitable defeat."
"The party must stand in front of the working class, it must see further than the working class, it must lead the proletariat, and not drag along behind in the wake of spontaneity.”
"The working class without a revolutionary party – is an army without a headquarters. The Party is the headquarters of the proletariat.”
(Comment….this is something the communists in Britain needs study and to act on.
Abstracts from lectures by Stalin “ON THE FOUNDATIONS OF LENINISM"(Works, vol.6)
"... By whom and where has it been proven that the parliamentary form of struggle is the main form of struggle of the proletariat? Does not the history of the revolutionary movement show that the parliamentary struggle is only a school and help to organize the outside-parliamentary struggle of the proletariat, that the main issues of the labour movement under capitalism are solved by force, by the direct struggle of the proletarian masses, their general strike, their revolt? "
"The dictatorship of the proletariat can not arise as a result of the peaceful development of bourgeois society and bourgeois democracy - it can only arise as a result of breaking the bourgeois state machine, the bourgeois army, the bourgeois bureaucracy, bourgeois politics."
“The deadly sin of the II International was not that it overestimated the importance of these forms (parliamentary forms of struggle - editor.), considering them almost the only forms, but when the period came for open revolutionary struggles and the question of outside-parliamentary forms of struggle became primary, the parties of the II International turned away from these new challenges and did not adopt them."
"For the reformist, the reform is everything - revolutionary work is not so important, it’s for conversation, a diversion. Therefore, the reform in the reformist tactics in the conditions of bourgeois rule inevitably becomes an instrument of strengthening that authority and into an instrument of contraction of the revolution. For the revolutionary though, on the contrary, the main thing is revolutionary work, and not reform – for him, reforms are a by-product of revolution. Therefore, the reform with revolutionary tactics in the conditions of bourgeois rule, of course, becomes an instrument of break-up of this power and an instrument for strengthening the revolution, a base for further development of the revolutionary movement.
The revolutionary accepts a reform in order to use it as an aid in combining legal and illegal work, in order to use it as a cover for illegal work for the revolutionary preparation of the masses for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie.
This is the essence of revolutionary use of reforms and agreements in the conditions of imperialism.
The reformist, on the contrary, will accept reforms in order to renounce all illegal work and to undermine the work of preparing the masses for revolution under the cover (bestowed) of reform. This is the essence of reformist tactics."
"Defending the II International against attacks, Kautsky says that the parties of the II International are an instrument of peace rather than war and that is why they were not able to do anything serious in the war, in the period of revolutionary actions by the proletariat. That is quite true. But what does this mean? This means that the parties of the II International were unfit for the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat, that they are not militant parties of the proletariat leading the workers to power, but an election machine adapted for parliamentary elections and the parliamentary struggle. Actually, this explains the fact that during the dominance of opportunists in the II International, the main political organization of the proletariat was not a party, but a parliamentary faction.”
"To think that new tasks can be performed by the forces of the old social-democratic parties brought up in the peaceful environment of parliamentarism – means to condemn oneself to hopeless despair and inevitable defeat."
"The party must stand in front of the working class, it must see further than the working class, it must lead the proletariat, and not drag along behind in the wake of spontaneity.”
"The working class without a revolutionary party – is an army without a headquarters. The Party is the headquarters of the proletariat.”
(Comment….this is something the communists in Britain needs study and to act on.
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